Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Some random thoughts in Q’s mind

- When did top hats go out of style? I really think I could bring them back

- Billy Joel is a very underrated musician, “Good Night Saigon” has to be one of the most rated songs ever

- Academy Awards, boring!!! Watched some of it, why I have no idea, man could those speech but you sleep.

- Shut up everyone about Dice-K for the Sox, why don’t we wait and let him pitch before we put him in the Hall of Fame

- I cant wait till the College Hockey playoffs, it is my favorite time of the year

- “Looks kid Big Ben, Parliament”

- Rice Krispies squares rock

- Why do actors think anyone really care about their political views? Shut up and act!

- I love black jelly beans!!

- For some reason I am really into NASCAR this year

- I’ve said it before and I will say it again “Friday Night Lights” is one great show!!

- I cant wait for new episodes of “The Deadliest Catch” which is April 3, and “Rescue Me”

- Nancy Grace needs to shut up!!!

- The previews for the movie “300” really aren’t doing anything for me, the movie looks very cartonish.
What ever happen to Morris Day and the Time?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

UNH-Providence game 2- What was that?

UNH-Providence game 2- What was that?

Well this is short and sweet, UNH got there rears handed to them 7-1. I listened to the game on the radio. The best way to break down what went was wrong is to say, EVERYTHING!!! Easily their worst game of the year. Defense was awful, and their was no offense. Hoping this game is a good wake up call for the team going into the playoffs. There are still 2 tough games to play in the regular season, a home and home with BC who are fighting for playoff position. I hope the team does not take this weekend lightly.
UNH did wrap up the regular season title with BU losing to Vermont. Hear a lot of people complaining they backed their way into the title because they lost last night. I have to disagree with that. The regular season title is not won or lost on one night, it is won over the entire season. They EARNED the points they got all season, more points then anyone else in Hockey East. I like everyone else is not happy with the loss or how they played. If they play like that ext weekend, I will be deeply concerned going into the playoffs. Next weekend will be a good measuring stick to see how they react. Seeing that Providence might be our first round opponent should make it even more interesting. McFlicker will be out Friday night at the Whitt for senior night. He got a game DQ for spearing, have heard it might be a questionable call. I hate to see him out for Senior night, but resting him for a game might not be a bad thing. He has been taking a beating all year. Plus be good to get Thompson or Rossman into some game action. I wouldn’t be surprised to see both get some action next weekend, as with Krates on the blue line.

Here is to putting last night behind us and looking forward to the playoffs.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

UNH-Providence- Game 1- The Vinz rule in effect

Well this game was truly wasn’t what I was expecting. If anyone would have asked me what I though this game would have been, I would have said a tight defensive game. Not the 6-4 game it turned out to be. Providence game in with one of the worst offense in the country, but with a good defense. The first game of the year between the 2 was a tight 2-1 game. So why did this game turn out to be a shot out. Well both teams took advantage of defensive breakdowns. UNH had 4 pretty bad defensive breakdowns, and really had a bad 2nd period. The defense coughed it up a couple of times right in front of Regan. None of the goals can really be blamed on Regan, as the D left him out to dry a few times. The third period was different. Sure Providence out shot UNH, but UNH carried the played and really did not give the Friars any good looks at Regan. Overall was not impressed with the D the first 2 periods. Have to say Switzer, Murray and Flashians were all off their games. Kapstad and Charbiolos played well in the 3rd to help turn the momentum in the Cats favor. The one thing I was worried about going into the game was scoring even strength. The Cats have not been doing that very well recently. Well all 6 goals were even strength, so that is a really good sign. Another good sign was 12 different players got points. That is the way things were going earlier in the year, so hopefully that keeps up. Was also nice to see McFlicker get the hat trick, he worked and earned that one. Also love to see the man Shawn Vinz get another goal, the 4th of his career, and the Cats are 4-0 in games he score as the Vinz goes the Cats goJ. Bobby Butler also had beautiful wrist that he blasted into the back of the net. Josh Ciocco did get hurt in the 2nd and didn’t play in the 3rd. He says it is a hip injury and should be back Saturday night. Butler did step up nicely into the third line in the 3rd. This kid is going to be good, wont be surprised to see him put up big numbers next year. He reminds me a bigger McFlicker has a good nose for the puck and works so hard. Just hope he does get take the beating McFlicker has taken this year. Seems like every game he is getting runned by someone on the other team. But he keeps getting up and coming back for more, no wonder he is probably the fan favorite. So what do I see in game 2? Well the Cats need only 1 point to clinch the regular season title and #1 seed in Hockey East playoffs. I see them coming out and playing some tough D, and keep the offense going. Hoping to get some more power play chances to, only had 1 last night. I have a good feeling about the game. Also with Norte Dame and Minnesota losing last night, a win tonight can help get a better grip on a #1 seed in the NCAA playoffs. I am sure the team is focused to reach all these goals, that will help them on their other goals for the rest of the season.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Friday Night Lights

Just had to post something on this show. I have complained before how I think there is nothing on TV to watch. But have give Friday Night Lights 2 huge thumbs up. Have to say it is by far my favorite show on TV. I know most people thing it is all about football. But that is just a small part of the entire story. It is a great story about a small town and all the goes into it. It is about growing up in that small town with different characters. It has the kid who struggling in life and drinks a lot and is your basic bad boy that you want to see good because you know he has a good sign. Has the kid who was the star QB who got injured and is now paralyzed. Shows his struggle to recoup physically and mentally, and how others react to him now, especially how his girlfriend reacted. There is the coach who has all sorts of conflicts in his life, not with just the conflicts that come from coaching a high school football team in a small Texas town, but with raising his daughter. His 15 year old daughter who happens to be dating the starting QB of the team. That brings me to my favorite character on all of TV. The stating QB, Matt Saricin. He was the back up QB till the star QB got injured. The first part of the season was his struggle to grow into the starting job over night, and it wasn’t an easy ride. Then came his relationship with the coaches daughter and how that effected him, his girlfriend and the coach. There is also the factor that he has to take care of his grandmother who has Alzheimer, he has to do this because his father is off in Iraq. If you can’t root for a kid like that, then who can you root for. These are only a few things that make this show so good, didn’t get into the kid who was taking steroids, or the racial problems on the team.

So if anyone is not watching this show, take my advice and give it a shot.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Q’s ways to improve the NHL
As many people know the NHL has gone through many changes the last few years, mostly due to stubborn owners and the stupidity of the players unions that caused the loss of entire season. The NHL has been trying for a year and half to recover from that. They have done an admirable job in there attempts. Things such as the shoot out, no red line, no changing after icing the puck, bigger offensive zones, and the delay if games for shooting the puck out of the ice surface with out touching the boards are very good rules and add excitement to the game. But there is still a long ways to go to get were the league should be. If course there are still things that can be done on the ice to improve the game, but there are also things off the ice to get the popularity back up, and get attendance up. I will hit on a few ideas I have to help the NHL along, and note a few things I think they have done wrong along the way. These are just a few things that could help, they are not a cure all just my thoughts.
The first thing I take to issue with the brain trust of the NHL, is their push to try to gain fans that are not hockey fans. I am sure there has been some crossover success with gaining some traditionally non-hockey fans. But this focus has also driven some life long NHL fans away. I look at the Nashville Predators; at present time one of the best teams in the NHL. But yet have pretty low attendance. Imagine what this team would have for attendance if it was in Winnipeg or Quebec City. The NHL has tried to hard to gain a foot hole into the US market. Sure there are some markets that are natural fit for the NHL, and have been successful. But the NHL went into to many of the non-traditional cities. The NHL needs to embrace its roots as a majority Canadian sport. A majority of its players are Canadian. The ratings for the NHL are still extremely high in Canada, even with the focus on the US market. It is time to probably move some of these franchises to cities that would welcome an NHL team with open arms. I would propose moving the Nashville Predators and Florida Panthers to Winnipeg and Quebec City. This would open those markets back up to the NHL, and be natural rivals with Montreal, Calgary and Edmonton.
On the same note as above. I think pre season games could be useful marketing tools. These games can be used to hit hockey markets that have lost interest in the NHL. I watch a lot of college games and know college fans who do not watch the NHL. These are prime candidates to hit. Playing games in college rich areas to draw people in, can make the tickets part of peoples college hockey season tickets. I know this is not a big money maker at first, but in the long run can work in their favor. A place like Madison Wisconsin, and North Dakota with no NHL team around would be a good place to go to. With the influx of college players into the NHL, many of these college fans will already be familiar with some of the players. Also on the same note I would take a cue from the NBA who had there All-Star game in Las Vegas the other night. I think the NHL could do this with some of these same cities, and cities in Canada with no NHL teams. I think bringing the game to people who are hockey fans but without an NHL team would show that the NHL is reaching out to them. Also put the game on the weekend and not this middle of the week stuff like this year. Also putting the game on NBC would much more effective then Versus.
TV contracts. As anyone who watches or attempts to watch the NHL knows the NHL is on Versus, which for many people is hard to find, and not on as many TV line ups as some other channels. I really don’t have a problem with the NHL being on Versus. They do an excellent job on the games and have devoted extra programming to the NHL that the NHL would have not received if they were still on ESPN. I do believe they should work out a deal with ESPN to show at least one game a week, and to pick up more of the playoffs. If the NHL did go full time with ESPN right now it would be loss in the mass amount of programming they have, the NFL, NBA, Baseball, College Football and Basketball, and now NASCAR. But they can find a few hours a week to highlight a game, and have the rest on Versus. This has worked with ESPN sharing the NBA with TNT. This would also help get the NHL on Sportscenter more often to. I have noticed since ESPN has picked up NASCAR they have highlighted it more on Sportscenter. Also need to push the weekly games on Sunday on NBC. I know the NHL is a low priority for NBC and is mostly filler for after the NFL season. But if the NHL worked hard with NBC could get the word out more of the games and help market the NHL. Some cross promotional stuff with NBC would be effective to. Getting someone like Sidney Crosby on some shows would work. One idea would to get him on The Office, which is set in Penn. To me this would be a natural fit. The NHL has marketable commodities but has not used them correctly, and Sidney Crosby is #1 on that list.
Scheduling. There is a need to revamp the schedule that is currently in place. The thing to do is make the season shorter. I would say 76 games is the max you need. I would go with 4 games against teams within your division, 3 with the 2 other divisions with in your conference, and 2 with the teams in the other conference. I know this would cut back on division games, but it would have more of the stars coming into buildings. Right now have people like Crosby and Ovechin not heading out West, and that does not help the game at all. Joe Thornton does not come back to Boston for at least 2 more years. With all the trading in the NHL now it is good to get the stars out in different markets. I would also recommend starting the season later. I would go with late October/ Early November. This way Baseball season is almost over and the NHL season is over a quareter the way over and some teams are all ready out of a playoff hunt and the local markets have more time to dedicate to the NHL. This would force teams to play more games during the week to. I look at the Bruins early season schedule were some time they were only playing 1 game a week. This makes it hard for fans to get involved with games so far between. Also like to see more weekend games. Every team should be playing Saturdays. This is prime time for families. The season should end the last week in March. This gives 5 months to play 76 games, which would be about 4 games a week. I know that would compact a lot of games into a short time, but I think it would be better for the fans. To accommodate the strain on the players you might have to expand the roster by a couple of players. I would recommend having these players be salary cap exempt. They would be need to signed for the NHL minimum. I would recommend having a 3 player exemptions. This would give the teams extra players for the compact schedule, and not hurt the cap.
Tickets! The first thing is ticket prices. I look at the prices to go to a Bruins game and think they are outrageous. It makes it impossible for a family to go to a game. I totally understand that it is a business, and is meant to make money. But I think the NHL should have certain dates set aside league wide were tickets prices are marked down tremendously. This would be a chance to get families to the games. These should be dates that the games are carried on NBC. This would pack the buildings and wouldn’t have half empty buildings showing up on national TV. Make these games family friendly with family events and give a ways. Give tickets out to local youth teams to get them interested in the NHL. Sure they might not go to a lot of games with the prices are higher, but they might start to watch the games on TV, and make new life long fans. Let these youth teams play between periods. They do this a lot at college games and the kids love it, and the fans get a kick out of it.
Points. There is a need to change the point structure. There is no emphasizing on winning a game in regulation or overtime if it gets that far. See to many teams playing for a shoot out if the game is tied late and in overtime. Giving some a point for an over time loss to me makes no sense. It is a loss. I like the idea of 3 points for a regulation or overtime win. 2 points for a shoot out win and a point for a shoot out loss. I think this would put more pressure on a team to actually try to win the game, as the win is worth more. They introduced the 4 on 4 overtime to try to get more scoring involved and less ties. Well if a team knew it was worth more then they would press more on offense. At the end of the season all those extra points to add up and the best teams make the playoffs, not the team that does best in the shoot out. While on the shoot out have a few suggestions for that. First of all it should be best out of 5, not 3. I would let the players choose if they want to wear their helmets for it or not. I think getting their faces exposed will make the game more human and get a better connection with the fans. Also I like the idea of coin toss to decide who gets to decide if they want to go first or not. I know it is cheesy but it adds a little more entertainment to the game.
Other on ice improvements. There has been a lot of talk about making the nets wider. I for one am against this. I don’t think the problems are the nets, but the massive equipment the goalies are wearing these days. I do think that needs to be looked at. If you watch tape from games 20 years ago there is noticeable difference in the size of goalie pads. This will open up the net more and makes the goalie more mobile to make highlight reel saves. There has been move on the last few years to drive fighting out of the game. Fighting is the 500 pound elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. Well I will say fighting does sell. I don’t care what people say that it hurts the game, it doesn’t. People are drawn to violence. If you ever been to game when a fight breaks out you know the building erupts. I am not saying to encourage fighting, but to relax some of the rules against it now.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

UNH-BU Round 2
Well anyone who saw that game Saturday night knows it was one exciting game to watch. The game ended up a 3-3 tie. UNH jumped out to a 3-0 lead with some nice goals, 2 by Smith and 1 by Kapstad. Smith’s power play goal was what I think they needed to do against Curry. Just jump on lose pucks in the crease. His second and Kapstad’s goals were blast that Curry really had no chance. UNH got plenty of chances but couldn’t bury that important 4th goal. Have to give Curry a lot of credit, he kept BU in game when UNH was up 3-0. UNH also didn’t work the puck down as much as I thought they should have. Seemed to be taking a lot of shots from the point in the 3rd period, which you will rarely get by Curry. BU’s first line played really well to. Couldn’t Yip wait a week to come back. Was impressed with the defense all weekend, cant really remember any odd man rushed UNH got. BU always had 3 guys back on D, and 4 back in the 3rd Friday night when they had the lead. UNH’s D played pretty well Saturday night I thought, also the penalty kill was huge for them. Didn’t give them many chances and few second chances. There second goal was kind of a fluky goal with a nice bounce on the back boards. Overall a really enjoyable game, would have been better with a W. But a tie is better for us then BU.

So now comes up Providence, another tough defensive team with a good goalie in Sims. But with the tie we need 3 points to claim that #1 seed in Hockey East. I feel that UNH can do it this weekend. I think if they play like they did Saturday night they will take Friday night, and put the pressure on Providence who are playing for the post-season life. I think UNH will take advantage of any power plays they can get, and be strong on the penalty kill. I see the 3rd line being a big factor over the weekend. Providence is not as deep at BU so hopefully our back 2 lines will step up. See our D stepping up and Regan having a huge weekend. He was all right this last weekend, but we all know he can play better.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

A few tips to watching a hockey game alive!

I have been to a hockey game once or twice in my life, ok that number could be close to a 1000. I have noticed a few things some fans do that irate me and others. These are just a few friendly tips for someone who doesn’t have as much experience as others at live games, it will make everyone’s viewing experience a whole lot more enjoyable.

- Do not get up while the game is being played, wait for a whistle, that goes for returning to you seats to. Trust me there are enough whistles during the game that you have time to get up. Plus what is more important popcorn or hockey, like anyone would have to ask me.
- When the anthem is being played, SHUT UP!! Nothing irates me more then when someone is talking during the anthem, don’t care if it’s the American or Canadian anthem, any anthem deserves respect. Also if you are wearing a hat take it off. If you don’t it should be legal for someone to knock it off your head.
- If you know nothing about hockey, don’t pretend you do and yell stupid things. I encourage people who don’t know anything about hockey to go to a game live, it will hook you. But don’t yell stupid stuff. Like hit someone every 5 seconds. Had some guy yell that the other night at a UNH game, UNH would be carrying the puck into the offensive zone he would yell “hit someone” over and over. Someone should have hit him.
- When someone gets hurt, don’t cheer, and when the hurt person does get up you applaud, it doesn’t matter if the player is from the other team. How would you like it if you got hurt at work and people started to cheer. No wait that depends on the person, it might be funny. I am sure I would cheer if some people at work got hurt, but then again I am just mean.
- All referees SUCK. It doesn’t matter what level you are watching, and what team you root for. Sometime during the game you will think the referee is out to get your team. It is part of the game, it might not be true but you will feel this way. Well it is true for UNH, all Hockey East refs are out to get them!
- Enjoy the game, and cheer for your team. Be part of the fun. But don’t be stupid and swear at the team, first of all your one voice out of thousands, they will not get your one vulgarity, plus there are kids at the game try to act like an adult.
These are a few things I think would make everyone’s viewing of the game more enjoyable. Would highly recommend if you have never been to a game live, go!! I have heard from many people that they can not watch a game on TV, well nothing beats the live excperince!!!
UNH-BU Round 1

Well the bad guys took the first round of the home and home series (4-2) . So I was right special teams did play a big role, the key being the short handed goal BU scored in the second. A bad play by Switzer at the blue line led to a break away goal for BU. At the time the game was 1-1. UNH controlled the first period and got a nice power play goal by Radja. But the second period the momentum shifted to BU, BU controlled the pace of the period and won the 1 on 1 battles to the puck. The third period was more equal, with both teams having spurts. But overall have to say BU controlled more of the game then UNH. UNH did not play a bad game, but missed a lot of opportunities. There were times they put a lot of pressure on John Curry and had golden chances but could not bury the lose puck. To win against a extremely good defensive team like BU have to take advantage of those opportunities. Those are the things BU did well Friday night, as 2 of the goals came off lose puck chances in from of Regan.
As for Saturday night down at BU, I see UNH coming out with a chip on there shoulder and working extremely hard to bury the missed opportunities that they missed out on Friday night. I am hoping UNH can score an even strength goal, as both goals last night were on the power play. Would also like to see some scoring out of the 3rd and 4th line, as most of the scoring recently has come from the top 2 lines. I am sure the game will be a physical game as there is still a lot at stake for this game. A win and UNH is guarantee a share of the regular season title. A BU win puts them closer and more pressure on UNH against Providence next weekend.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

UNH-BU weekend preview.

Well this is a simple weekend, just win baby!! The Cats have a chance to clinch the Hockey East regular season title. Depending on what happens in the Maine-BC game Thursday night, the Cats could do it Friday night with a win. Of course the win will not be easy. BU plays the Cats very tough at the Whitt, and the Cats play the Terriers tough at the Agannis. The last time they played to a 4-4 tie. The Terriers are also coming off the regular Beanpot championship. This will be a great test to see how playoff ready the Cats are. John Curry is playing extremely tough in nets for BU, and had moved up to one of the favorites for the Hobey Baker. But Kevin Regan is playing equally tough. Do from the outside these should be 2 close low scoring games. But have the defense that are ranked in the top 3 in all the country. I think the key will be for UNH to come up and get the first goal, and hopefully second. BU’s offense is not as tough as the Cat’s. The Cats are #4 in the country in offense and BU is not in the top 20. So this game could come down to special teams. Both teams are in the top 11 in the country in penalty kill, while the Cats are #8 in Power Play in country while BU is not in the top 20.
I see a split coming out of the weekend, which if everything works out will give the Cats the regular season title and the #1 seed in the Hockey East tourney and hopefully a #1 seed in the national tourney. Have a feeling that Thomas Fortney is going to have a good weekend, he seems to play well against BU. I will be at the game on Friday and will more then likely watching the game Saturday at BU.

Things on Q’s mind

People who need a good taste of a Steven Segal beat down!!
-Anyone who pays attention to sports know about Tim Hardaway’s stupid comments ( about gay people and gays in the NBA. Not sure how can one person be so stupid, not to just believe what he does, but to say it on a radio show. This is a guy who has lived most of his life in the public eye and should know what to say. Of course I don’t understand how some can say they hate a whole group of people. To me this shows the ultimate in closed mind stupidity. I believe in liking or hating someone on who they are, not for what they are.
- Another sports related topic, this time Michael Waltrip ( this is a guy who has been racing his whole life, and he gets caught cheating while trying to qualify for the Daytona 500. He is the team owner and needs to be held accountable for the teams action. He started a new team this year with Toyota, who are making there debut in NASCAR. I am sure they must be just thrilled with him.
- The guys who are claiming to be the father of Ana Nicole Smith’s baby. I am pretty sure there is only one father, and a real man would step up, and true scumbag would make up claims to being a father to a baby he is not
- People who talk while the national anthem is being played. I go to quite a few hockey games and this is the things that irritates me the most t games. I find it very disrespectful and rude. I believe I should the right to smack these people.
- I was watching the news the other night and Barak Obama was in NH. He was giving a speech at UNH. I am sure it was a good speech. They were interviewing a UNH student about his thoughts of the speech. He was saying how great he thought Obama’s health care plan is. There was one little problem that the reported pointed out, he never talked about it. That kid needs to be beat down.

Some random thoughts

- Have to encourage anyone to watch “ Friday Night Lights” to me this might be the best show on TV. It is much more then football, actually football is just part of the back ground. It is a really good show about life and growing up in a small town. There is some great acting in it. It is the only show I will stop and make time to watch. If anyone cares the shows I was currently are Friday Night Lights, 24, My Name is Earl, The Office, and the Simpson’s, an eclectic bunch.
-The House of Representatives is about to vote on a non-binding resolution condemning the President’s troop build up in Iraq. I find this act an act of stupidity. First of all it has no power. To me it’s a big waste of time, and it is the house trying to over reach on their powers. I have heard from many people about the President trying to get more power then he has. Well to me this is the house trying to get more power then they have. Please don’t tell me they are doing some courageous. If they wanted to be courageous have some balls and go for it all and vote to defund the war, I would totally disagree with that motion and would not vote for anyone who did vote for it, at least we would know were everyone stands. We have been hearing for a year from many in Congress that they are against the vote on defunding it. This is such a lack of leadership. At least the President is doing something and acting with some leadership. I would really like to hear from all these people who only criticize the President and his plans, what is there plan. If you want to lead then lead, don’t just bitch and moan!- I watched the beginning of the Grammy Awards the other night, really wanted to see the Police perform. Have to say I was some what disappointed. It stated off good, then Sting had to slow the song down to do his little “artistic” stuff in the middle. It Roxanne, there is no need to change it, it is a classic song. I really hope they don’t plan on doing this with all there songs during their tour, but its Sting so I am sure he will. Speaking of their tour, what is up with $225 for a ticket? I was really thinking about trying to catch the tour, but not for that price. The most I ever paid for a concert was $75 to see Springsteen. I would do that again as it was one of the best concerts I have seen. But $225 to much for anyone!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

UNH-Merrimack weekend

Well UNH did what they should have done and took 4 points from the Warriors (3-1 and 4-1) Watched the game Friday night on TV and went down to Merrimack Saturday night.

First about the Warriors. Defensively they are not a bad team, they really know how to clog up the middle and on Friday night they were good at having a guy back to avoid any odd man rushes. They have some solid goaltending. Healy played well Friday night, got a little beat up Saturday in the first letting up 3 goals. Watson came in to play the last 2 periods and played well. Now offensively Merrimack is AWFUL!! When your top scorer has 9 points you know you are in trouble. They could not complete a pass at all. Their 2 goals were kind of break downs by UNH. Caught them on a line change Friday night and got a wrap around goal Saturday night.

Now for UNH. They played all right. Their best period was the first Saturday night, they came out and dominated that period and pretty much had the game wrapped up early. The played well Friday night, did what they had to do. Power play is beginning to click now that everyone is healthy. They probably could had more goals, some missed opportunities and Healy stopped them a few times. It was a game that once in became 2-1 you pretty much knew it was over. Saturday night the second period was very lack luster for the Cats, they played somewhat down to Merrimack. But did come out in the third clicking. Merrimack started to let their emotions play in the last couple of minutes and took some cheap shots at UNH. But was good to see the Cats fight back and not be pushed around. Overall a good performance for the weekend. Was one of those trap weekends. Coming off the Maine weekend and looking forward to the BU weekend next weekend. Could have slipped some and lost a point. But they did what they needed to do, came out with 4 points and everyone healthy for next weekend.

Now next weekend we have a home and home with BU. By my math 1 win should clinch the regular season title. Would be a nice thing to happen on home ice Friday night. It wont be easy as BU is playing well right now. Hoping BU wins the Beanpot Monday night and come in with a little let down for Friday night. Curry is playing tough in net for BU and will give the Cats offense a real test. Not really sure I like the thought of clinching the title this early. Can cause a little let down going into the playoffs. But might be a chance to rest some guys. Wouldn’t mind seeing McFlicker get some rest, He has been getting beaten up all season. Also giving Regan a night off wouldn’t be a bad thing. He has played a lot of minutes. Even though he is playing extremely well, one of the best in the country right now. A night off might be good going into the tough Hockey East playoffs.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Q’s thoughts of things and people in the News
- Anna Nicole Smith death. Someone dying young is always a bad thing. But the over whelming coverage of her death is beyond control. First of all can someone tell me why she is famous? She did playboy and married an old guy for his money that is all I know of. Did she have some great talent that will tragically be missed in the world? People are comparing her death to Marylyn Monroe’s, ok I am not a big aficionado of Monroe’s career. But I can at least name some her movies and can say she had a talent. There are so many more important people who die every day that get over looked. The single mother who works 2 jobs to keep her family together, the child who will miss out of a life of endless potential and could have changed the world in a better way. The nurse who takes care of the sick. To me these people are 1000% more important then Smith and deserve much more recognition then the train wreck that was Smith. Smith’s death is a sad thing, but it is not tragic. The examples I gave are tragic deaths.
- While on that theme, the people who are famous for being famous. I am sorry I don’t get that. What has Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie done? So they come from rich parents, who cares? Why does the news follow them? You know you are only aiding them. Please don’t give me the sob story when a sex tapes comes out of, you know it is great publicity for you. When did someone become famous for being rich? I know there have always been rich spoiled brats around who did stupid things. But when did we start caring about them?
- The Boston Bomb scares. As almost everyone knows about the false bomb scares in Boston last week. That they were a bad publicity stunt. First of all those 2 guys just need to be slapped for the way they acted in court. For the most part people were giving them a free ride and not really giving them much blame for anything, then act like they did, deserve a nice slap. I have also read a few things that some people say the Boston Police over reacted. Well to those people get a clue. It is the police job to protect, and when there is a suspicious package out there on the streets need to take precautions. I would rather have them over react then do nothing at all and have it be a real device. The people who are complaining about the police over reacting are the same people who would be in an uproar if they turned out to be real and nothing was done. So please SHUT UP and be thankful we have these brave men and women out there protecting us.
-The Senate’s debate over troop increases, or lack of debate. I will come and say I support the war in Iraq and think we need to do what is necessary to win. But I don’t have a problem with people debating the best way to do this. But what the Senate is just plain stupid. First of all a non-binding resolution make no sense to me. If the anti-war senators had an real balls they would push to defund the war. I would be very much against that, but would have a little more respect for the clowns in the Senate. Another thing, why are the democrat senators against debating the Gregg resolution? To have a real debate need to have both sides heard. They say they want a debate, but do they really want one? Seems like they just want to lecture on why they are against the troop built up. Another thing about the troop build up. If I remember correctly most people last summer were saying we need to send more troops in to settle down the sectarian violence in Iraq. Now that the President is suggesting this they are against it. What is the deal with that? They don’t want to build up troops, and they don’t want to withdraw? Seems like the people who complained that the President only wanted the statues quo are now the ones pushing for the statues quo.
-Global Warming. Ok I am no scientist, or pretend to play one. Is Global Warming real? I believe it is. What causes global warming? I am not 100% we really know. I am sure we as humans are some what to blame, but not totally. There has always been fluctuations in the climate. We did have a great ice age, and then had great droughts that caused the dust bowls of the 1930’s. Mother nature is one tricky character. But this push in the past couple of months about global warming is a little over the edge. Have these great dire predications coming out that we are all going to die in the next 25 years. Didn’t we hear in the 70’s that we were going to have another ice age? What happened to that? I do we need to do things to help protect the environment. But do we need to change every little things because Al Gore says so? The scare tactics are not working on me. We do need to be more responsible, but we do not need to push the panic button. Were are all these hurricanes that was predicated for this last summer? See sometimes scientist are wrong! There is nothing wrong with having an open debate on what needs to be done, and what has caused it. But if you listen to Al Gore and his followers anyone with disagrees with them is wrong. Hey Al no wonder you lost in 2000, still don’t know how to debate. Another think that irks me is that fact that Al Gore is planning this big concert with locations around the world to raise awareness of Global Warming. I for one love big concerts, but not for the same reason he does. First I think they don’t work the way they want them to. The Live 8 concert a few years ago. Yeah hear a lot about the 3rd world debt now don’t you? They are a reason for a party, and who doesn’t love a party? Plus I for one don’t get my social awareness or care about a cause because some rock star or actor does, and any one who does is disingenuous. Plus how do you think everyone is going to get to these concerts? Probably by car. How will the people performing
going to get there? Plane? I don’t see them all take that old lock box.
- The presidential election on 2008. I for one have to say I am a political junkie. I have always had a great interest in politics. Being born and raised in New Hampshire have always been intrigued by the Presidential Primaries. So on that note have to say it is way to early for it now. Usually it is not into full swing till about late August, not late January. Ok I am very interested in what will happen in 08 with a total open field with no President running for reelection or a Vice President running. Both parties have a open primary with no overwhelming favorite. But why so early? By the time Labor day comes around everyone will already be burned out form it. There is so much hype that the people they are hyping now will lose the shine and luster they have had the media build up for them. It will be like 04 with Howard Dean. It was not the scream that killed his candidacy, well it was the final nail. But he was done before that. Take a look at Iowa, until late Dec he was leading or near the top. Then the hype set in and people got sick of him and he fell the 3rd in Iowa. So 08 candidates beware. I will probably be break down my view on the 08 election soon, so be afraid, be very afraid.
NCAA Hockey VS. NHL Hockey
Ok I am going to write about something totally different, hockey. If anyone has read this, they know that I am a hockey fan. I have only written about college hockey, but I do like all types of hockey. I have caught myself watching High School hockey on FSN North, they usually show a game of the week from Minnesota, really fun to watch. Thos boys in Minnesota can play a little then kids in NH. Then again I came from a high school that lost 92 straight games when I was there, but yet I was at almost every game, now that shows just how dedicate, or pathetic, I am. But I want to take this chance to do my little break down of the difference of college and NHL hockey. First I have to admit I am a Bruins fan, so maybe watching them the last couple of year might have turned me off a little.
The atmosphere. Do love the atmosphere of a good college game. The game last Saturday at the Whitt between Maine and UNH was totally nuts. I know not every game is like that. But for the most part it is a great atmosphere, and I would say most of that is due to the students. When Maine and UNH played at the Verizon on Friday it was different, can tell there was less students. It was a good time, but not nearly as loud. Of course not every arena is like that. I have been down to Lowell to see UNH and Maine play down there, and every time there was more Maine and UNH fans there. That to me that is a shame because that is a very nice place to see a game. Plus they have one of the best pep bands I have seen. That is another thing that adds to the atmosphere. A pep band working with the students can really add a lot. I have been up to Maine were they work really well together and play off each other, and get the rest of the fans into the game. Late last season UNH moved the pep band to the student section, which made so much sense to me. I have to say it really has worked well I think. I for one have never been a big UNH pep band fan, but have to say I have been impressed with them this year. They sound better, and have become part of the student section. Even the game at the Verizon they played off the student section that was right there with them. These are things you do not see at a NHL game with the piped in music and the guys in suites sitting down by the ice. The college fans are more of the blue collar fans who work all day and love to go to a hockey game on a Friday and Saturday night to relax and enjoy the game. They are not there to impress a client.
Tickets prices. There is no question the advantage goes to college hockey. The most I have paid for a ticket is $35, with all the lovely handling cost. Of course at NHL game to get down low it is about $80. I for one usually get the general admission tickets at UNH, and those cost me only $19 per ticket, though use be $12 a couple of years ago. I can drive down to Lowell and pay $14 for a ticket and sit anywhere, which is a great deal. I can go to Merrimack and pay $15 for a ticket to. So for pure value you can't beat college hockey.
The players. Of course the NHL does have the better players. I don't think anyone would argue with that. They get the best players from all around the world. They are bigger, faster and strong. They have 4 lines that have the best players on the. College teams will usually have a line of two of players that will go on to the NHL. The end of some teams line ups are not very good. Put to me you know those guys are playing for something. The top line guys are playing to get to that next level, to impress an NHL scout somewhere. The guys in the middle are trying to impress made someone in the minors, the AHL or ECHL, to get a chance at that level, and then maybe the NHL. Then there are some guys who probably know that this is there last shot at some real hockey. They are out busting there butts because they truly love to play. I have to admit I do love watching the guys on the 4th line, can tell they are out playing hard when they get the chance. My favorite player for UNH is Shawn Vinz. He is a senior who has been on the 4th line his whole career. He has played almost every game this year, it was not this way his first 3 years. When he got his first career goal this year I do not think I had ever been happier for a player to score. My only regret is that I was not there person and saw it on TV. Thought did get to see him score a short handed goal the next game. He truly EARNED those goals.
The rules. I for one was so happy when the NHL adopted the no red line rule. I have really enjoyed that in college hockey game. I think it opens up the offense more. I will admit I think fighting in hockey is fine. Not sure if totally agree with the NCAA's no fighting rule. I would like to see that changed a little. Maybe get kicked out of that game, but not suspended for the next game. I am highly in favor the NCAA rule of playing with a full cage. I think that is a very safe rule. Not only protects from high sticking but from pucks. Watching the Bruins-Buffalo game a few weeks ago saw Andrew Albert’s get hit in the head with a puck, and opened up a good cut. If that was the NCAA would have not hurt him as much. Most of these players grow up with a full cage, and are use to it. I hear that the cage makes players think they can high stick with out any consequences. I do not see that. I do not see many high stick in college. If they are they are usually called. Most refs are on top of that. The Shot Out for me is a tricky one. I totally understand why the NHL needs it, and I do enjoy watching them. But I am not sold if they should be part of college hockey. First the season is so much short that every point is extremely important. Take Hockey East only have 27 conference games to decide the playoffs, compared to 82 in the NHL. So points mean so much, and losing a point on a shot out can mean so much more then in the NHL. So I would need to be really convinced to change that. Also the 4 on 4 in OT in the NHL. Once again I see were it is needed to open up the NHL game to draw people in. But I am not a big fan of it. Why change the way the game is played for OT? In baseball do you suggest taking out the shortstop if they go extra innings? Of course not, and if you did people would laugh at you. So why in hockey to you change the structure that the whole game has been played under? If 4 on 4 opens up more why not play the whole game that way? I actually do see that happening in the next 25 years, which might not be a bad thing. Would open the game up more.
Championships. Let it be known I think the Stanley Cup is top trophy in all sports, ok maybe the World Cup in soccer but that is only once every 4 years so I put in the same category as the Olympics. I have had my picture taken with the Stanley Cup and could feel the history with it, and still gives me goose bumps to think of it. There is nothing better then a overtime Stanley Cup game. Hopefully one day I will get to see the Bruins raise that cup. The biggest difference in the 2 is that the NHL is best of 7 while the NCAA is a single elimination tourney. A best of 7 does give you a true feeling of who the better team is. But the single elimination is very exciting and can give you a better chance of huge upsets. I am sure if Holy Cross and Minnesota played best of 7 last year Minnesota would have won. But Holy Cross was able to pull the major upset in one game, same can be said from Niagara beat UNH in 2000. I have been 2 NCAA championship games, and both were extremely exciting. Seeing a 1-0 game with a minute to play and the team down have a 6 on 3 advantage, now that is exciting. So I guess both have there advantages.
Rivalries. To me college has this one hands down. When I was a kid, man don't I sound old now, the NHL use to have some really good rivalries. The Bruins-Canadian one comes to mind, use to be some major hatred there. There was also Canadian-Maple Leafs, Philly-Rangers, Edmonton-Calgary. To me the only one I really still enjoy is Edmonton-Calgary, this is probably the most underrated rivalry in sports, I would put it right up there with Red Sox-Yankees. But these have been watered down with the 8 games they play with each other now, that is way to many. Its like baseball with there 19 games. To me you have to love such rivalries as UNH-Maine, BU-BC, Michigan-Michigan Sate, Cornell-ST. Lawrence. It seems like every school has there major rival. They make for exciting games. Plus there are usually only 3 games between them that makes it extra exciting. I will sit down and watch these game, no matter who is playing. The crown is extra loud for these games, the hitting is extra hard and the skating is a little extra faster. I think a lot of this is only playing 1 or 2 games a week. It is easier to get up for a couple for only a couple games a week, instead of every other night. Plus it helps the fans get pumped up for the games. I think another big factor is that most schools have quite a few local kids on the team that have grown up with these rivalries, and have some what of a hatred towards another team.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Super Bowl Thoughts
Just a few thoughts about the Super Bowl. I really wasn't sure who I wanted to win going into the game. Do have 2 friends who are big Bear's fan, so would have liked to see them win for them. But find it hard to root against the Colts. I know being from New England I am suppose to hate the Colt's for some odd reason. But then again I am not a Pat's fan. I do love to watch Manning play QB. To watch him call plays at the line I think is a thing of beauty. Plus how can you root against Tony Dungy? He seems like such a class act to me, and everything he went through with his son he really has earned to be called a Champion. So one hand I was happy for Manning and Dungy, and Marvin Harrison, the most underrated man in the NFL. But then again a little sad for my friends. At least it wasn’t the Patriots!!
Ok its not that I hate the Patriots. Have a great respect for their team. I think Tom Brady is a great QB and Bill Bellickeck is a great coach. But living in New England you would think that there are no other teams in the NFL. Heaven forbid you say something about another team, if you do you are disrespecting the Pat's. If I hear that they are being disrespected again will have to slap someone. They are a great team and people recognize that, get over it!! Plus what is with the hatred towards Manning? So he does some commercials? Hey I saw Tony Brady doing the American Express ones all last year and he hosted Saturday Night Live, were was the uproar then by all the Pat's fans? Plus Bill Bellicheck is not a great guy, he is a great coach but not a great guy. There is nothing wrong with that at all, he is great at what he does. But don't give me this he is a great guy. Ok he actually might be but he does not come off that way. He comes off as a jerk sometimes. He is a sore loser. This is the way he comes off. Of course will have people take all this the wrong way, and to them I don't care how you take it. Just need to get over it that the Pat's did not invent the word "team" and there are ego's on the team. You have to have an ego to make it that far, and yes some of them are jerks. There are jerks on every team. The Patriots are no different.
Some thoughts from the UNH-Maine weekend.
- The atmosphere at the Whitt is 1000% better for these games then at the Verizon. It is nice to get more people to see the game. But the atmosphere Saturday can not be topped. Plus having the game in Manchester brings more Maine fans and, and kills the home ice advantage.
-Why Trevor, why? That was a very stupid 5 minute charging penalty he took. He is lucky he didn't get tossed. I know he was into the game and played with a lot of emotion, but needs to keep those in check. Don't need him to do something stupid like that in the playoffs.
- The injury to Bishop. From what I saw on the replay it looked like it was 2 guys who weren't going to budge. Bishop was a little out of the net and Smith did charge him. One of the injuries when you have 2 guys who will not back down. And really can't blame either guy. I see no blame on either side. Also see no blame on the Maine team going after Smith, have to protect your goalie. I would hope UNH would do the same if that happened to Regan.
-Regan, Regan, Regan!!! If it is possible he should have gotten all 3 starts Saturday night. Only thing I can say is WOW!! Have not seen a performance like that from a goalie in a long time. 45 saves on 46 shots!! The man has been on fire since mid November. I know a lot of people would like to see Foster play, but how to you pull Regan? Maybe if they wrap up the regular season title before the last weekend Foster will play one of those game, and maybe this weekend against Merrimack. But besides that I say it’s the Kevin Regan show, enjoy the ride. Just glad he is owned by the Bruins!!
-Thomas Fortney. Watched him closely Friday night and was extremely impressed with the way he played, he was beating people to the puck and playing the body very well. He hasn't put up big numbers but have really enjoyed his play this year. With Ciocco back on that line with Collins it has a lot of energy, have no problem matching them against anyone else #3 line.
- Missed opportunities. Friday night was full of them, missed a lot of passes, missed checks! 2 out of the 4 goals by Maine were break in from the blue line. There was no taking the body. Need to take the body more. Do have to say saw more of it Saturday night. Saturday night had 2 golden chances in the first 8 minutes to put the puck in the net, really need to bury those against a team like Maine. That is the killer instinct that is need for playoff hockey. Though do have confidence this team has it more then a lot of past UNH teams.
- Overall a very enjoyable weekend, even the game Friday night was fun to watch. I think a split is not a bad thing, and taking the season series against Maine is never bad. Just need to focus on taking the rest of the series and will be all set. Everything now is in their own hands. No need to worry what everyone else is doing if they just take care of their own business.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

UNH-Maine round 2 of the weekend

Well UNH pulled it out 2-1, well Kevin Regan pulled it out. Probably one of the best performances I have seen by a goalie in a while. The man was incredible tonight. A very emotional game. Can tell both teams really wanted this game. UNH game out on fire for the first 10 minutes, missed 2 golden chances to put one in. Of course didn’t and the momentum switched to Maine who was able to put one away and control the rest of the first. The big switch back to UNH game about 2 minutes in when Smith ran into Ben Bishop, didn’t look intentional on the review I just saw on the news. Of course a little scrum broke out, had to expect Maine to protect their goalie. He did stay in for a couple more minutes. But came out, looks like a groin injury. Unh was able to capitalize on 2 power plays chances in the second ( Fornatro and Radja). Both were good goals and can blame back up goalie Wilson for either of them. Do have to say Wilson did play good and is no way to blame for the lose. Maine did end up with a 5 minute power play in the 2nd on a stupid charging penalty by Smith, was the correct call. But UNH did a good job killing it off, with some huge saves by Regan. The 3rd was a very intense period till the last buzzer. A lot of back and forth action, mostly controlled by UNH. It looked as Maine was not pressing as hard on offense when carrying the puck into the offensive zone. Looks they did not want to let up a odd man rush the other way. Could have been there goal to play more defense with the back up goalie in. Overall a very entertaining game. Would have liked UNH to step up a little more on D, but played well enough to win. Also need to get back to burying those chance they had early in the first. Those were the chances they were succeeding on back in November and December.
This was a big win as it was one of the games in hands UNH had on BU, so the win extends their lead to 4 points with 2 more games in hand, one coming next weekend against Merrimack.
So what to expect next weekend? A home and home with Merrimack? Hoping this is what UNH needs to get back some of the scoring that has been missing the last couple of weekends. I really don’t have a fair of this team over looking Merrimack like some past UNH teams would. I have a feeling they will come out hungry, and with everyone finally healthy nothing short of a sweep should be expected, Will say that I will be very disappointed if they lose one of these games. Plus 2 wins would give them a 6 point lead with 3 weekends to go.
One last note, to the idiots who cheered when Bishop was done, get a clue you non hockey fans. I don’t care who is down hurt and what team they are playing for, you DON’T cheer, and when they get up you clap!! Had the chance to exchange some words with one of these jerks. Don’t tell me “hey man its hockey” I am sure I have been to way more hockey games then you, and have got caught up in the game many times. But I can honestly say I have never cheered when some one was down injured. Applauding when some who is down gets up, that is hockey. Hockey is different then any other sport it is more of a close family and no one wants to see anyone get hurt. Here hoping Bishop isn’t out to long, he is to good to not have playing.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

NH DOT were are you?
Ok so coming home from the UNH-Maine game in Manchester on Friday night, was about 9:15 when I left Manchester. It has started to snow around 6. When I left there was a couple of inches of snow on the ground. You would think that someone would have the brain power to actually have plows out on the road. The entire trip back to Portsmouth did not see one plow going East, did see 5 going west on 101. The roads SUCKED!!! I will be the first to admit my car sucks in the snow and I need new tires. But I was not the only car going between 20-30 mph. A trip that normally takes 45 minutes took me 2 hours. I was not impressed with the wonderful DOT of NH. Here’s hoping everyone else made it home safely last night
UNH-Maine weekend round 1

So the first round goes to the Blackbears 4-2. Game was tied till about 6 minutes left till UNH took a marginal cross check call to Greg Collins. Can’t give Maine 5 power plays and not expect them to put one away, and that they did. Overall was a fun game to watch, except for the outcome. UNH didn’t play to bad, but can play much better. A lot of their passes were off by an inch and that came back to bite them in the rear in the third. A couple of defensive breakdowns lead to 2 Maine breakaway goals. Also have to give Maine credit for their D in the third period. Was impresses with the way they shut UNH down in the third. They clogged up the middle and let no UNH shooters come in low and forced them to shot from the outside, if they could get the shots off. Did watch Thomas Fortney play a lot last night, was really impressed with him. From my view point he was really on last night. Might be the best I have seen him play all year, hopefully he plays like that tonight and gets rewarded with some points. Also for UNH Brett Hemmingway was out with a groin injury. So just when we though would be at 100% with Radja back, another one on the top line goes down. Hopefully he will be back so we can have the full first line since the end of December.
As for tonight, looking forward to another good game, hopefully with different results. Think the crowd will be much louder and into then at the Verizon. So get the real home ice advantage.