Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Friday Night Lights

Just had to post something on this show. I have complained before how I think there is nothing on TV to watch. But have give Friday Night Lights 2 huge thumbs up. Have to say it is by far my favorite show on TV. I know most people thing it is all about football. But that is just a small part of the entire story. It is a great story about a small town and all the goes into it. It is about growing up in that small town with different characters. It has the kid who struggling in life and drinks a lot and is your basic bad boy that you want to see good because you know he has a good sign. Has the kid who was the star QB who got injured and is now paralyzed. Shows his struggle to recoup physically and mentally, and how others react to him now, especially how his girlfriend reacted. There is the coach who has all sorts of conflicts in his life, not with just the conflicts that come from coaching a high school football team in a small Texas town, but with raising his daughter. His 15 year old daughter who happens to be dating the starting QB of the team. That brings me to my favorite character on all of TV. The stating QB, Matt Saricin. He was the back up QB till the star QB got injured. The first part of the season was his struggle to grow into the starting job over night, and it wasn’t an easy ride. Then came his relationship with the coaches daughter and how that effected him, his girlfriend and the coach. There is also the factor that he has to take care of his grandmother who has Alzheimer, he has to do this because his father is off in Iraq. If you can’t root for a kid like that, then who can you root for. These are only a few things that make this show so good, didn’t get into the kid who was taking steroids, or the racial problems on the team.

So if anyone is not watching this show, take my advice and give it a shot.


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