Sunday, August 12, 2007

Random Q thoughts – since its been awhile

What the hell is up with people at yard sale, is it some yard sale rule that you have park all over the road so people cant pass, and it has to start at 7am. , these people really need to more of a life, hey lets go look at other people junk and haggle over the price, after that why don’t we go window shopping at the dump

What is with the guy in Prescott Park who had to run around with out his shirt, then show off by doing push ups? Are you that desperate for attention?

I could have sworn Merv Griffin was all ready dead, man do I feel bad about that one.

That Tiger Woods is a pretty good golfer, he just might do something with his career. Keep an eye on him, you might hear his name again.

Only 2 more months till hockey season, GO CATS!!!

Congrats to the Portsmouth Little League team, once again made us proud

Not to sound mean, but because one bridge falls does not mean everyone is going to, hate to break the people from CNN’s heart

If you can’t be friends with someone because you don’t agree with all of their political views, that says more about you then the other person. Tolerance works both ways.

In that same note, if you think you know someone’s every political view by a few things you hear, then you are so wrong. Yes I support President Bush in the war and other things, but do disagree with him on other things. If you say you agree 100% with a politician, then you are lying. Just so you I also support Governor John Lynch, a democrat.

Something about the movie “Superbad” looks awesome to me

Is it really almost the middle of August?

I believe the Celtics did the right thing with their trades. Potential is what it is, potential.

Why do people pay full price for a preseason NFL game? Only see the starters of a quarter, hell I got into the 4th quarter of the Raiders-Cardinals game the other night. Yes that was me #29 in your program, but #1 in your heart.

Just starting to read “The Regan Diaries” very fascinating looking into the behind scenes stuff at the White House, and interesting look at the man himself.

Is it weird that I like to watch the British House of Commons on C-Span?

Bill Mahr and Rush Limbaugh are the same person, both low hards who have nothing to offer but name-calling.
What ever happened to Patrick Duffy?

Can anyone really say the don’t like Hall and Oates? Deep down inside we all dig the smooth sound, and of course John Oates magical mustache.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Say hello to Ann Murray for me
This article is about the rise in Americans moving to Canada, or as I like to say the whining little people who run when everything doesn't go their way! First let me say I have nothing against Canada, my grandmother is from Canada, I deal with almost 100 accounts in Canada. I know many great people in Canada, and of course being a big hockey fan and a Blue Jays fan have a soft spot for our Canuck friends to the north. I have been to Canada many times in my life and have found it to be a great country. My beef here isn't with Canada, its with these people who run and hide like kids who don't get that extra piece of cake they want. So these people don't agree with the way President Bush handles things. I say to bad be mature person and deal with it. One of these nitwits said this "I wanted a country that respected my human rights and the rights of others," I am sure that person had been beaten so many times that they can barely walk. Were hasn't this person human rights not been respected? I would like to know when they were dragged into some gulag and pistol whipped. This is what another yahoo had to say "My stepfather has diabetes and has health issues. So, he'd be taken care of for free if he moved up here." I have always loved this argument, first of all socialized medicine is not free!! The tax rate in Canada is very large, most of that is for health insurance. If your step father is not paying the tax then someone else is, but I guess you don't mind someone else paying for your way. S Contrary to what Michael Moore says these socialized health care are not perfect, I am sure your step father will be waiting in a long line to see a doctor, could be many months. Sure the US health care system is not perfect, which one is? But I for one will take it over any other. There is a reason most medical break through come from the US. What will happen if Canada elects someone they disagree with? Were will they go running to next? To their friend Chavez in Venezuela ?I am not saying the US is perfect, and I am not saying that Canada is awful. I have a problem with these people's excuses. There were many people who didn't agree with President Clinton's way of doing things, but did you see those people sulk there way up north, no! They manned up and dealt with it. I guess these babies do not have the balls to handle it, well to them I say good riddance don't let the Maple Leaf hit you on the way out. Just remember it's the American dream, not the Canadian dream! To me we are a better country for losing these cry babies.
GOD BLESS AMERICA, and all REAL Americans!!!!!!!!