Monday, September 01, 2008

Who would have thunk it? The Q!!
This article is about the negotiations between the US and Iraq about moving US troops out of Iraq. It looks like US troops will be moving out of the cities next year with a goal of being out of Iraq by 2011.
The one thing that is not mentioned in this article, or many other articles is why now? Well the simple answer is one word success. There has been major success by the US and Iraqi military in the last year and half. They have done tremendous job ..ting done secular violence. At the beginning of 2007 all you heard was how there was a Civil War going on with in Iraq. Well you don't hear that now. Why? Because of success. The first being the success of the surge implemented last year. The added troops and a better definition of what they are to do, and actually holding safe areas instead of cleaning them out of insurgents then leaving was a major goal and lead to other success, like the Iraqi's stepping up themselves to stand up against the insurgents. Of course many criticized the surge before it even began. The wonderful Senate leader Harry Reid called it a failure before an extra troop was even send to Iraq, why so quite now Harry? Others like Nancy Pelosi and Barrack Obama were against the surge to. Neither has stepped up to admit they were wrong about it, great leadership there. Maybe they don't want to admit President Bush did something right, though it did take a couple of years to get it right, or the fact that Sen. John McCain was one of the ones pushing for this surge. But then again these are probably the same people who will call be stupid because I support John McCain, I know heaven forbid someone have a different view then you, if they do they must be stupid.
Another reason for success is that the Iraqi's have stepped up for themselves, there military and police is 1000% better then they were a couple of years ago. Also there has been major improvements in the political fields in Iraq. There has been great movement in the benchmarks set up for the Iraqi government. There has been more and more cooperation between Sunni and Shiite within the country.
So we are at this great moment not because Barrack Obama said he wants US troops out of Iraq, or because we are cutting and running. But because of the great sacrifices made by the US troops, and by the Iraqi people. These sacrifices have seemed to be over looked the last couple of months as Iraq has turned to a 3rd page story when things started go well. I for one am thankful for the hard work all parties involved have done to reach this moment. I will also give credit where its due, to the all the soldiers who are in Iraq and have been in Iraq, to General David Petreaus and his commanders, to the Iraqi government, the Iraqi Military, The Iraqi Police, The Iraqi people, and to President Bush. I know things are not 100% but they are closer to it then they were 18 months ago. Things could still go wrong, but the chances of that are getting slimmer every day. I know there are those who will criticize this success or try to deflect why we are successful and try to but a negative spin on it and not give credit where its due, I say let them keep their negativity and hate. This is one proud US citizen who believed we could get the job and very proud to see the job getting done.


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