Monday, May 26, 2008

In Memorial, everyday

As I sit here at the end of a beautiful Memorial day I have to sit back and think about what this day actually stands for. For to many people it stands for a long weekend, the beginning of summer, or day to go by a car on sale.
But that is not what this day is about. This day is for honoring the brave men and women who given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. In this time of deep partisan bickering from both sides of aisle it is always important to honor all those who have laid down their lives so we have right and freedom to have these arguments. There are to many times when we are to deeply focused in our arguments and finding someone to blame for everything to realize that we do live in the greatest country on Earth. The reason we do have such a great country to live in is because of the men and women in the armed services who day in and day out risk their lives so we can live with such freedom. Many who lost their lives fighting for out freedom. These exceptional men and women never asked for an recognition or honors, they would tell you they were just doing their job. So that is why we take this one day a year to honor those who have sacrificed so we have long weekends, enjoy summer, or even go out and buy a new car. I hope everyone has taken time today to think of and honor those who have died for our freedom.
As I sat down in Prescott Park this afternoon I did take some time to think of those who have made that sacrifice for us. Dating back the Revolutionary War and fighting for our independence from tyranny. Then again fighting England again in the War of 1812. Then the Civil War, fighting to keep the Union together. Then in the 20th century fighting against oppression around the world during World War 1 and 2, and again in Korea. Then the war that is more known for the bitter political battles, that being Vietnam. To many times the Vietnam War is remember for who was right and who was wrong. Many call this time one of the darkest in American history, I agree with them. But not for all the political bickering but for the way our brave soldiers were treated when they returned. To many times we forget the over 50,000 who lied down their lives in Vietnam. The same can be said for the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To much is made of what can be made out of these politically, and to few is made of the men and women who are fighting these wars, have fought them, and who have died during them. We must always remember them, and remember their families who worry every day about them, after all war is usually harder on the families who don't know what is going on, then the person who is fighting it.
I consider myself lucky that I have not lost any one close to me because of war. I have had two grandfathers who fought in World War 2 and made it home safely. I had an uncle who served in Vietnam and made it home, even though some men in his unit were captured and were POW's that were never found. My father served in the Army in Germany when he is younger and retuned home safely. My close friend Ernie has also been deployed a couple time in the Mid-East during the wars, and has returned each time safe. I am deeply grateful for all the safe return of all them. But I am also reminded of Navy Seal Dan Healy whose helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan in 2005 killing him and 15 others. Until I was 7 I lived in Hampton, and Dan and his family lived down the street from us. I have very few memories of Dan, as he was 4 years older then me and was more friends with my older brother. But I do know when I read about his death I did cry and felt great sadness for his family. I have seen his mother over the last couple years on different TV news shows speaking with such great pride about her son, and all who served with him. She has been very outspoken is her support of the troops and all they are fighting for. Every time I do see her speak I have a great sense of pride. She has shown to be a very strong women, and that rubbed off on Dan who with out an hesitation joined the Navy and made it all the way to a Navy Seal. I just ask everyone to take some time every now and then to remember people like Dan Healy, who have give everything and ask for nothing. I also ask to think of the family they have left behind. Nothing can every replace a son, daughter, husband, wife, brother or sister who had been lost defending this country. We should honor and remember these heroes more then just one day a year.

The future starts Saturday.

As anyone who knows anything about hockey knows the NHL has been done since the lock out a few years ago. The NHL itself has not done much to help bring the game back, their TV deal would be example 1. Well the NHL has a chance to start their comeback on Saturday night in Detroit. How you might ask, well 3 little words can change the NHL's future, Sid the Kid. The Stanley Cup finals start in Detroit with the Penguins and Red Wings facing off. The ratings for this year's playoff have been a drastic improvement over the last couple of years, mostly in Penguins game with Sydney Crosby. Crosby is the best young star the game has had since Mario LeMieux, current owner of the Penguins. So this gives the NHL a great venue to show off their great young superstar. The NHL should be dumping a ton of money on advertising the Cup finals. With every game after game 2 being on NBC they should be commercials on every show on NBC for the next week, and they should be featuring Crosby. Will the NHL do that? Well that is a good question, the NHL's marketing dept is not always the best. This series has everything the NHL needs to become a player again on the national sports scene. Has 2 great markets in Pittsburgh and Detroit, has a proven veteran team, Detroit, against the up and coming young team in Pittsburgh. So it's the old vs. the new, and Pittsburgh with the superstar in waiting in Crosby, can also add Eyvegen Malkin in there for the Pens. If the NHL is lucky this series will go 7 games, with Pittsburgh winning in the end in a very tight hard fought series. This series reminds me a lot of 1984 when Wayne Gretzgy led his young Oilers against the NY Islanders, the 3 time defending Stanley Cup Champs, the Islanders eventually won the series, but the Oilers came back in 1985 to win the cup and start the Gretzgy era in the NHL. So the next couple of weeks can kick off the Crosby era in the NHL. So tune into Versus on Saturday night to watch the future, now

When a dream is not a dream.

So the talk now in the never ending quest in the democrat party is the so called "dream ticket" of Obama/Clinton. Not sure why this would be a Dream Ticket, and whose dream is it? At this point it is a forgone conclusion that Barrack Obama will be the Democratic Nomination. So the question is will and if Obama should pick Clinton to be his VP. Not sure on the will part, but on the if part, I would say no. To me it does not make much sense to add Hillary to the tickets. There are more reasons to not have her on the ticket then to have her.
The first one in my humble opinion is by adding her it makes Obama looks like a hypocrite. His whole focus of his campaign has been one word, "Change", by adding Clinton it is sign on going back to and not looking forward. He has been on the attack since Oct about Clinton being a sign of the past and he is the future. That turn of focus will be a major attack point for republicans.
There will also be point made that he can not win with out the Clinton machine and that he is a puppet of it. He will also of course have Bill looking over his shoulder at ever turn and be a focus of the media. As we know that can be a bad thing. The question of the comments Bill made after South Carolina will come up all the time, and be played over and over in the South.
Hillary is also a very polarizing figure. I do not see how she will bring in independents, and they will be a major factor in the election. Both Obama and McCain draw independents pretty well, I think adding Hillary will drive people on the fence towards McCain.
I do not see what votes Hillary will bring in. First of all she will not be a factor in NY, because Obama will win that by 30 points. NY is a Democratic state. There is the out cry that by not having her on the ticket that will drive the women who voted for her away. I do not see that happening. If they voted for her in the primaries I feel pretty confident that they will go towards Obama after she endorsees him at the Convention. She will not draw in anyone who did vote in the Democratic Primaries. I think she would draw more people away then draws in.
She does not help him in biggest weakness, foreign policy, no living in abroad when your 8 is not foreign policy experience. Also being first lady does not give you that, sorry Hillary. There is no way that the 2 of then combined can add up to McCain on that front.
So is it worth the circus that would be a Obama/Clinton ticket? For Obama's sake I don't think so. If Obama was smart he would stay away from that. To me the smart choice for Obama would be Former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn. He has the foreign policy experience that Obama, and Hillary, lacks. He also brings Georgia into play. He is also pretty moderate and can draw in those independents on the fence, and he does not draw people away, which might be his biggest asset.
But as we have seen anything can happen this election year.

When 2.5 Million equal 0

Well it's been awhile since I wrote anything, so figured I would share some of my thoughts about the on going election, because I know everyone has been waiting to hear what I think, so you can get a good laugh. Of course will be honest and let everyone know that I am supporting John McCain, so my views might be a little skewed.
I do believe Sen. McCain is the best option, and not the scary person that MSNBC and others try to make him out to be. Of course these are the same people who will always say negative things about any Republican and have nothing but kiss Obama's ass for the last 6 months. They have treated him like he walks on water. I will agree that Obama is a great speaker and can motivate people. But when you break it down, what is he saying? What is he standing for? You can only say Change so many times before you have to back it up. What change have you brought? Who will you get these changes you want done? What bi-partisan think can you point to in your past and say I have worked with the other side and made a real change? Of course everyone is so mesmerized by his speaking skills that they really don't care about any of that. There are plenty of very smart people who are falling for this to. I know people will point out McCain's fault to, and I recognize them. I do not think he is perfect and disagree with him on many issues. But I think he has shown he can work to get things done, has Obama? I have tried to figure the great love affair by MSNBC and other with Obama. I know there are so many people who feel disillusioned by President Bush, and Congress. But Obama is not running against President Bush. Though listening to Obama and Sen. Clinton talk you would never know that. Sen. McCain is not Pres. Bush. McCain disagree with the President on many issues, and would be a different President, no matter what The Democrats and the yahoos on MSNBS and other blogs think.
Then there is the taboo issue of race. I know you are not supposed to bring race or even gender in to the conversation. Of course that won't stop me. Are their people who won't vote for Sen. Obama because he is black? Of course there are ignorant people who will, and the same can be said for Sen. Clinton because she is a woman. But I think that number is getting smaller every day. I think to use that issue for either one, or anyone else is wrong. It is implied by many that if you disagree with either it is because you are racist or sexist, then they are the same people who will trash Condoleezza Rice, so are they sexist and racist? I know many like to pigeon hole black and women and believe that if they are not a Democrat then they are "sell outs". Which is this person showing their true ignorance. Of course there are people who will vote for either because they are black or a woman. To me this is just as wrong as voting for someone because of there color or sex. This is ignorance, you are not voting for who the are, you are voting for what they are. Then there are the people who feel so guilty if they vote against a minority that they have to vote for them because of this. Then again I am sure these people would find a reason to vote against Sec. Rice, because they truly believe she is not a "true black". Now wouldn't that be these people showing their stereo type feelings? If you believe a black person has to be a democrat then you have a stereo typical feeling to all blacks. Of course some people will read my thoughts and think I am a racist or sexist. I don't care what a person is, I care who they are. Is the person I am supporting a white guy? Yes. Is that why I am voting for him? Hell no, go back to some of my old blogs to read my reasons why.
Now we have this lovely issue of 2.5 millions voters being disenfranchised. The word made some famous by Democrats in 2000. The big uproar in 2000 was that the person with the most popular votes did not win. But they seem to be very quiet when their own party is not counting the 2.5 million people who voted in Florida and Michigan. If you count those votes it makes it a much closer race. So there is a possibility that the person with the most votes in the Democrat party might not get the nomination. But according to their rules this is ok. But in 2000, when both parties played by the same rules, this was not ok. Does the word hypocrite mean anything here?
If you made it this far into my ramblings, I say I am sorry. Just something's I wanted to get off my chest as we head into the general election. I am sure, ok I know, I will have plenty more to say as we get closer to November. I know who I will be voting for. I encourage everyone to look at all options and vote for the person they feel will be our best leader for the next 4 year, weather you agree with my choice or not. I just beg everyone to vote in Nov and let your voice be heard. No matter what anyone says your vote does count. The best thing about this country is that every change of power we have had has been a peaceful one. That is something to be proud of, and no matter what anyone might think this is a great country and together we can make it even a greater country.