Q’s thoughts of things and people in the News
- Anna Nicole Smith death. Someone dying young is always a bad thing. But the over whelming coverage of her death is beyond control. First of all can someone tell me why she is famous? She did playboy and married an old guy for his money that is all I know of. Did she have some great talent that will tragically be missed in the world? People are comparing her death to Marylyn Monroe’s, ok I am not a big aficionado of Monroe’s career. But I can at least name some her movies and can say she had a talent. There are so many more important people who die every day that get over looked. The single mother who works 2 jobs to keep her family together, the child who will miss out of a life of endless potential and could have changed the world in a better way. The nurse who takes care of the sick. To me these people are 1000% more important then Smith and deserve much more recognition then the train wreck that was Smith. Smith’s death is a sad thing, but it is not tragic. The examples I gave are tragic deaths.
- While on that theme, the people who are famous for being famous. I am sorry I don’t get that. What has Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie done? So they come from rich parents, who cares? Why does the news follow them? You know you are only aiding them. Please don’t give me the sob story when a sex tapes comes out of, you know it is great publicity for you. When did someone become famous for being rich? I know there have always been rich spoiled brats around who did stupid things. But when did we start caring about them?
- The Boston Bomb scares. As almost everyone knows about the false bomb scares in Boston last week. That they were a bad publicity stunt. First of all those 2 guys just need to be slapped for the way they acted in court. For the most part people were giving them a free ride and not really giving them much blame for anything, then act like they did, deserve a nice slap. I have also read a few things that some people say the Boston Police over reacted. Well to those people get a clue. It is the police job to protect, and when there is a suspicious package out there on the streets need to take precautions. I would rather have them over react then do nothing at all and have it be a real device. The people who are complaining about the police over reacting are the same people who would be in an uproar if they turned out to be real and nothing was done. So please SHUT UP and be thankful we have these brave men and women out there protecting us.
-The Senate’s debate over troop increases, or lack of debate. I will come and say I support the war in Iraq and think we need to do what is necessary to win. But I don’t have a problem with people debating the best way to do this. But what the Senate is just plain stupid. First of all a non-binding resolution make no sense to me. If the anti-war senators had an real balls they would push to defund the war. I would be very much against that, but would have a little more respect for the clowns in the Senate. Another thing, why are the democrat senators against debating the Gregg resolution? To have a real debate need to have both sides heard. They say they want a debate, but do they really want one? Seems like they just want to lecture on why they are against the troop built up. Another thing about the troop build up. If I remember correctly most people last summer were saying we need to send more troops in to settle down the sectarian violence in Iraq. Now that the President is suggesting this they are against it. What is the deal with that? They don’t want to build up troops, and they don’t want to withdraw? Seems like the people who complained that the President only wanted the statues quo are now the ones pushing for the statues quo.
-Global Warming. Ok I am no scientist, or pretend to play one. Is Global Warming real? I believe it is. What causes global warming? I am not 100% we really know. I am sure we as humans are some what to blame, but not totally. There has always been fluctuations in the climate. We did have a great ice age, and then had great droughts that caused the dust bowls of the 1930’s. Mother nature is one tricky character. But this push in the past couple of months about global warming is a little over the edge. Have these great dire predications coming out that we are all going to die in the next 25 years. Didn’t we hear in the 70’s that we were going to have another ice age? What happened to that? I do we need to do things to help protect the environment. But do we need to change every little things because Al Gore says so? The scare tactics are not working on me. We do need to be more responsible, but we do not need to push the panic button. Were are all these hurricanes that was predicated for this last summer? See sometimes scientist are wrong! There is nothing wrong with having an open debate on what needs to be done, and what has caused it. But if you listen to Al Gore and his followers anyone with disagrees with them is wrong. Hey Al no wonder you lost in 2000, still don’t know how to debate. Another think that irks me is that fact that Al Gore is planning this big concert with locations around the world to raise awareness of Global Warming. I for one love big concerts, but not for the same reason he does. First I think they don’t work the way they want them to. The Live 8 concert a few years ago. Yeah hear a lot about the 3rd world debt now don’t you? They are a reason for a party, and who doesn’t love a party? Plus I for one don’t get my social awareness or care about a cause because some rock star or actor does, and any one who does is disingenuous. Plus how do you think everyone is going to get to these concerts? Probably by car. How will the people performing
going to get there? Plane? I don’t see them all take that old lock box.
- The presidential election on 2008. I for one have to say I am a political junkie. I have always had a great interest in politics. Being born and raised in New Hampshire have always been intrigued by the Presidential Primaries. So on that note have to say it is way to early for it now. Usually it is not into full swing till about late August, not late January. Ok I am very interested in what will happen in 08 with a total open field with no President running for reelection or a Vice President running. Both parties have a open primary with no overwhelming favorite. But why so early? By the time Labor day comes around everyone will already be burned out form it. There is so much hype that the people they are hyping now will lose the shine and luster they have had the media build up for them. It will be like 04 with Howard Dean. It was not the scream that killed his candidacy, well it was the final nail. But he was done before that. Take a look at Iowa, until late Dec he was leading or near the top. Then the hype set in and people got sick of him and he fell the 3rd in Iowa. So 08 candidates beware. I will probably be break down my view on the 08 election soon, so be afraid, be very afraid.
- Anna Nicole Smith death. Someone dying young is always a bad thing. But the over whelming coverage of her death is beyond control. First of all can someone tell me why she is famous? She did playboy and married an old guy for his money that is all I know of. Did she have some great talent that will tragically be missed in the world? People are comparing her death to Marylyn Monroe’s, ok I am not a big aficionado of Monroe’s career. But I can at least name some her movies and can say she had a talent. There are so many more important people who die every day that get over looked. The single mother who works 2 jobs to keep her family together, the child who will miss out of a life of endless potential and could have changed the world in a better way. The nurse who takes care of the sick. To me these people are 1000% more important then Smith and deserve much more recognition then the train wreck that was Smith. Smith’s death is a sad thing, but it is not tragic. The examples I gave are tragic deaths.
- While on that theme, the people who are famous for being famous. I am sorry I don’t get that. What has Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie done? So they come from rich parents, who cares? Why does the news follow them? You know you are only aiding them. Please don’t give me the sob story when a sex tapes comes out of, you know it is great publicity for you. When did someone become famous for being rich? I know there have always been rich spoiled brats around who did stupid things. But when did we start caring about them?
- The Boston Bomb scares. As almost everyone knows about the false bomb scares in Boston last week. That they were a bad publicity stunt. First of all those 2 guys just need to be slapped for the way they acted in court. For the most part people were giving them a free ride and not really giving them much blame for anything, then act like they did, deserve a nice slap. I have also read a few things that some people say the Boston Police over reacted. Well to those people get a clue. It is the police job to protect, and when there is a suspicious package out there on the streets need to take precautions. I would rather have them over react then do nothing at all and have it be a real device. The people who are complaining about the police over reacting are the same people who would be in an uproar if they turned out to be real and nothing was done. So please SHUT UP and be thankful we have these brave men and women out there protecting us.
-The Senate’s debate over troop increases, or lack of debate. I will come and say I support the war in Iraq and think we need to do what is necessary to win. But I don’t have a problem with people debating the best way to do this. But what the Senate is just plain stupid. First of all a non-binding resolution make no sense to me. If the anti-war senators had an real balls they would push to defund the war. I would be very much against that, but would have a little more respect for the clowns in the Senate. Another thing, why are the democrat senators against debating the Gregg resolution? To have a real debate need to have both sides heard. They say they want a debate, but do they really want one? Seems like they just want to lecture on why they are against the troop built up. Another thing about the troop build up. If I remember correctly most people last summer were saying we need to send more troops in to settle down the sectarian violence in Iraq. Now that the President is suggesting this they are against it. What is the deal with that? They don’t want to build up troops, and they don’t want to withdraw? Seems like the people who complained that the President only wanted the statues quo are now the ones pushing for the statues quo.
-Global Warming. Ok I am no scientist, or pretend to play one. Is Global Warming real? I believe it is. What causes global warming? I am not 100% we really know. I am sure we as humans are some what to blame, but not totally. There has always been fluctuations in the climate. We did have a great ice age, and then had great droughts that caused the dust bowls of the 1930’s. Mother nature is one tricky character. But this push in the past couple of months about global warming is a little over the edge. Have these great dire predications coming out that we are all going to die in the next 25 years. Didn’t we hear in the 70’s that we were going to have another ice age? What happened to that? I do we need to do things to help protect the environment. But do we need to change every little things because Al Gore says so? The scare tactics are not working on me. We do need to be more responsible, but we do not need to push the panic button. Were are all these hurricanes that was predicated for this last summer? See sometimes scientist are wrong! There is nothing wrong with having an open debate on what needs to be done, and what has caused it. But if you listen to Al Gore and his followers anyone with disagrees with them is wrong. Hey Al no wonder you lost in 2000, still don’t know how to debate. Another think that irks me is that fact that Al Gore is planning this big concert with locations around the world to raise awareness of Global Warming. I for one love big concerts, but not for the same reason he does. First I think they don’t work the way they want them to. The Live 8 concert a few years ago. Yeah hear a lot about the 3rd world debt now don’t you? They are a reason for a party, and who doesn’t love a party? Plus I for one don’t get my social awareness or care about a cause because some rock star or actor does, and any one who does is disingenuous. Plus how do you think everyone is going to get to these concerts? Probably by car. How will the people performing
going to get there? Plane? I don’t see them all take that old lock box.
- The presidential election on 2008. I for one have to say I am a political junkie. I have always had a great interest in politics. Being born and raised in New Hampshire have always been intrigued by the Presidential Primaries. So on that note have to say it is way to early for it now. Usually it is not into full swing till about late August, not late January. Ok I am very interested in what will happen in 08 with a total open field with no President running for reelection or a Vice President running. Both parties have a open primary with no overwhelming favorite. But why so early? By the time Labor day comes around everyone will already be burned out form it. There is so much hype that the people they are hyping now will lose the shine and luster they have had the media build up for them. It will be like 04 with Howard Dean. It was not the scream that killed his candidacy, well it was the final nail. But he was done before that. Take a look at Iowa, until late Dec he was leading or near the top. Then the hype set in and people got sick of him and he fell the 3rd in Iowa. So 08 candidates beware. I will probably be break down my view on the 08 election soon, so be afraid, be very afraid.
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