Keep an eye on!
As most people wait anxiously for any word about Paris Hilton, there is something brewing half away around the world that could turn into a major story in the weeks and months to come and could change the world events. Most people would think I am talking about the on going war in Iraq, but I am not. I am talking about the rift within Palestine. Late last week Hamas over took the Gaza Strip. This was after President Abbas got rid of the Hamas Prime Minister from the Palestine cabinet. Abbas is from the Fattah party, which has been at odds with Hamas over the leadership of the Palestine people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Hamas will not recognize Israel’s right to exists while Fatah might not be a lovely dove organization, it was founded by Yasir Arafat, at this point it is the lesser of tow evils. President Abbas has pushed for talks with the west and with Israel over peace in the region. So what effect does this have on the rest of the world? Well to me the major thing is that Hamas is backed by Iran, and battle in this region could blow up into full war between Hamas and Fattah, this would more then likely drag Israel into the middle, and of course Iran. The ramifications of that is overwhelming. The Mid East has been powder keg for a centuries, and even more since 1949 with the establishment of Israel, and this could be the match lights the fuse. At this point it does not look like it could go that way, but it is worth keeping an eye on, so as the world gets its daily Paris updates lets try to keep some perspective and keep on eye on one blot of land half way around the world