Shut up!!!!
I know anyone who knows me might find this hard to believe, but I was watching both presidential primary debates last week. Still think it is early for these debates, but at least its getting closer. Though don’t think they need every candidates on the stage. Doesn’t give much time to get thoughtful and true answers from the few that actually have a chance of winning. Have to say I didn’t really take to much from either debate. But there was one thing that did get under my skin. There was something said during the democrat debate that really irked me. This is something I have heard said before and really didn’t think to much about it, but when thinking about it, it made me realize how stupid of a statement it is. Heard Hillary Clinton say, though she isn’t the only to say it, about Iraq she said “This is George Bush’s war”. I know many people will defend this comment by saying it was President Bush who brought us to war and has made mistakes during the war, which I will agree are all true. But to say it is just his war is nothing more then partisan politics and using the war as a political tool to get more votes, and makes me sick. This is no Presidents Bush’s war, it is Americas war. It is OUR brave men and women in this war, not just George Bush’s brave men and women, or maybe Hillary Clinton and other don’t think these people who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice represent them? Maybe they don’t think we are all in this together, that what the military does has any effect on them or who they want to represent. This to me says more about anyone who makes these comments then it does about President Bush. There are over 130,000 of our best in the desert right now putting their lives on the line. This is there war to, it is the people they left behind who worry everyday and night about their loves one who are serving over in harm’s way. It is also the 300 million people these people represent and fight for war. If Hillary Clinton does not recognize that then there is no way she, or anyone who makes such comments, should be commander and chief of this countries finest. So many times I have heard over the last 6 years on how President Bush has divided this country, but statements like Senators Clinton’s are extremely divisive and it is her and others like her that are using the war, and our soldiers, as a political tool.
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