Friday, June 01, 2007

New Hampshire Makes History.
This week New Hampshire became the first state to make civil unions for gay couples legal with out a threat of legal action or by the courts. So I had someone ask me what I thought of this. They know I voted for President Bush and thought I would have a very negative view of this, well I think I surprised them. I am very proud on NH for this, glad they did it the right way. Passed the bill through both houses and signed into law by the governor. Of course there are those who are very opposed to this. To these people I have to say get over it, the world is not going to end. Many people say that gay unions will trivialize the “sanctity of marriage”, I have to disagree with this, I think the over 50% of marriages that end in divorce trivialize it. Another argument against it, is that these gay couples can not produce their own children, to that I say so what? There are many marriages that do not produce children, and there are many children that come from couples that are not married. I think all these arguments is a way for some people to hide from there own fears, so instead of owning up to there own fears and ignorance they have to try to take it out on other people. These unions will not change the world for the worst or effect your life in anyway. I say who am I to say two people can have the same rights I have and be able to have there relationship recognized in a legal way so they can share the same benefits as I could. To me withholding these rights from an entire group people is not only asinine but immoral. Thought I do have to say I do have one problem with this bill, it is that it is “unions” to me it should be called what it is, that is marriage. But I guess this is a major step in the right direction. One day we will get over our stupid little fears and recognize people for who they are, not what they are.


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