Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why Papa Joe Still Has It!!

I have to say I have been a Penn State football fan as long as I can remember, they have never been the flashy team, the team with the outrageous characters, or the team that gets all the media attention. They have the plain white jersey and play in the mountains of western Pennsylvania. But there is one thing that separates Penn State from all other college football teams, and that one thing would be Joe Paterno, aka Papa Joe, Joe has been a coach in Happy Valley for over 30 years. Many people have said the game has pasted by the 80 year young Paterno, but a 12-1 record 2 years ago proved those people wrong, and was 1 second away from a perfect season, thanks Michigan!! So in this day of arrogant player who think they can get away with anything can Paterno keep up with them? Well as the above article points out, hell yeah!! When 15 of his players got into an off campus fight, Papa Joe took things into his own hands. Instead of the customary slap on the wrist the guilt players would receive, Joe has decided to hold the entire team accountable. Joe has always held the team concept very high. So he decided that then entire team will clean the 107,282 seat Beaver Stadium the Sunday after every home game for the 2007 season. Every player will be doing this! Usually this is done by one of the club teams at Penn State to help raise funds. They usually get $5000 for this task. These teams will still get the money, and the football will be doing all the work. Also Joe is making the team build a house for Habitat for Humanity and working the Summer Special Olympics. In this age were team and discipline are words that are just thrown around with no real meaning behind them, 100 young men in western Pennsylvania will truly learn what these words mean from an 80 year old coach who truly believes in these words. These maybe some of the most important lessons these men will learn in there time as Nittany Lion’s.
To me Joe Paterno will always be a winner, no matter what his on field record his, and here is hoping he has many good years ahead of him!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The new NFL Prima Donna, same as the old.

For the last few years all the buzz in the NFL has been about Terrell Owens and how bad of a teammate he is, how he tore apart the Eagles locker room with his comments about Donavan McNabb. For the last couple of years the press has made TO out to be the worst teammate ever and is a disgrace for the NFL. I am not here to defend TO or his acts, but wonder why Brett Favre gets a free pass from most people in the press with his antics and his treatment of his team and teammates. For most in the press Favre is held up with a god like statues that in what he ever he does is right. But looking over his behavior over the last couple of years I would put him in the same category as TO. He has a history of not being supportive of his teammates. He criticized both Javon Walker and Mike McKenzie when they were trying to get there contract renegotiated, while Favre got his redone with no problem, then he complains when both leave the Packers. If he would have used some of influence with management he could have helped Walker get a new deal and he would still have the all-pro wide receiver to throw to. I am sure Favre lack of effort to support him had something to do with him leaving Green Bay. Over the years I have heard about Favre's great leadership skills. So when the Packers went out and drafter Aaron Rogers to be his successor what does Favre do? He comes out and says he is not there to mentor Rodgers or to help him out. This to me shows his true leadership skills, or lack there of. When TO accidentally OD on pain killers last season most in the media, mostly ESPN, criticized him and said how he was hurting his team. But when Favre came out to being addicted to pain killers he was hailed as a great man and was a warrior for taking them to play, and keep his continues game streak alive. Also at the end of the 2005-06 season Favre kept the Packers waiting for months on his decision on weather to come back or not. Now in the last week it comes out that Favre asked for a trade after the draft in April, because the Packers couldn't make a deal for Randy Moss. Favre wouldn't need a top notch receiver if he would have used the same effort he did to try to get Moss to try and keep Javon Walker, also Walker is probably better in the long run for the Packers. Walker has never quit on his team like Moss as. Walker plays hard ever play were Moss admits to taking plays off.
So why does Favre get a free pass? This is a good question I wish I had the answers to. Many say he is a warrior who goes out there and plays hurt, well TO did that this year with a broken finger all year, and coming back early with the Eagles to play in the Super Bowl. Then there is the issue that many say Favre has earned his special treatment. I will admit that he has put up some great numbers in his career. But does he have the right to treat his team, teammates and even the fans with such discontent? I don't believe he has. He has not lead the Packers to a successful season in a number of years, yes some of that is due to the Packers management. If this was just one incident I would probably say yea he has earned one, or maybe two. But I have seen a running record over the past three to five years. So I asks the boys at ESPN why the free pass to Favre? I am sure when the season starts Chris Berman will still being having his man crush on Favre. To me Favre is on the same category as a TO and should be criticized in the same manner, but he's not. So when members of the media complain on how players act, they need to take a look in the mirror and see the hypercritical way they cover people might lead to some of the behavior issues in today's sports world.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Very Random Q thoughts!!

· What ever happened to Scott Baio, I guess Joanne didn’t love Chachie that much!
· Love that I found G4 plays repeats of “Arrested Development”
· Why do people think that Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart are real newsmen, they are comedians!! Anyone who takes what they as facts should be slapped
· Why is Larry King still on the air? I think he died 10 years ago
· Who doesn’t love pancakes?
· What happened to Saturday morning cartons?
· How you doing?
· Go check out a minor league hockey game, it is a great time, especially if it’s a playoff game!
· How long as ER been on the air? I think it is the original show on TV
· When did everyone become so sensitive? Man people lighten up!!
· The banning of trans fat by any city is just stupid!! Talk about taking your power to far.
· Anyone who shots a cop deserves what they get!!
· The 17th hole at Sawgrass is just mean!!
· Why do people make a big deal about someone’s sexual preference? I really don’t care if you gay or straight. Hate when someone describes someone as there “gay friend” there either your friend or not, no matter if there gay or straight!
· Cant wait for “Rescue Me” to start June 13th

People who annoy Q

Celine Dion
Nancy Grace
Keith Olbermann
Chris Berman
John Madden
Curt Shilling
Any one on American Idol
Bono, take the dam sun glasses off
Anyone who has been on “The Real World”Dudes!

Blue Jays Update, why, why, why???

Well I posted before the season started I am a Blue Jays fan. I had high hopes going into this season, the line up should have been solid with a good chance of a solid pitching staff. Well those hope went down the have been dashed very quickly. After 37 games the Jays are a miserable 15-22 and 10.5 games out of first, with no hope of recovering. They are 2-8 in the last games, and this week lost one of the best pitcher in the majors, Roy Halliday, for 6-8 weeks due to an appendectomy. So far this season the injury bug has really hit the Jays hard. The pitching staff has not only lost Halliday, also Chacin is out of the rotation for awhile, and BJ Ryan is gone for the year with Tommy John surgery. There is some mystery on that whole situation. The reporting of it was wrong to begin with, as reports had it as a back problem. Also injured are Reed Johnson and Greg Zaun are on the DL right now, and Troy Glaus is hurt with a hamstring, his second injury of the season so far. The bullpen has not picked up the slack with Ryan out. Even with these injuries the Jays should still be better then they are. I don’t think I have ever called for a managers or coached job, but I do think it is time for a change in the dugout for the Jays. I think John Gibbons has worn out his welcome and should be replaced with bench coach Ernie Whitt. Gibbons has not handled the pitching staff that well. In a couple of games he pulled Halliday from the game to early, had mismanaged the bullpen. He has had two run in with players in the past couple of years, Shea Hillanbrand and Ted Lilly. I appreciate the job he has done to get the Jays to what they were last year, but to get to the next level I think the Jays need more then just player, but need a man in charge that can lead the team to success. Ernie Whitt I believe can do that. He coached Team Canada in the World Cup of Baseball last year, he was successful with them. I think it is time he giving a chance to lead his former team back to the top were they once were.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Q review of Spiderman 3

Well had took today off from work, got home the Red Sox game around 1am, so good thing I did take the day off. It was actually a very nice day out, got in about an hour and half walk this afternoon. But I decided to catch Spiderman 3 this afternoon, figured what the hell why not. I enjoyed the first two, actually watching the second one while I write this. So here are my thoughts on the third installment of Spiderman. First of all have to say I love the new stadium theater by the mall, very comfortable and spacious. Also glad I went on a Friday afternoon, theater was about a quarter fill.
So for the movie, I have to say it was very enjoyable. I wont give anything away. It is about two and half hours long, the first hour does go by a little slow, but all the story lines they cover in that time do end up meaning something in the end. Of the three movies this one by far has the least amount of action. But the storyline is probably the best of the three. The story does cover a lot more then the previous two, and goes back to the storylines involved in the first one, and not just the one you see on the commercials. The best storyline I found was the internal battle in Spiderman on which path he has to choice to go in his life when he faces some internal battle. This one also had more comical moments then the other two. The acting was really good, I think Thomas Hayden Church and Topher Grace really did add something and were good choice to play two of the new character in this one. The character Church plays is interesting, he does have an interring quality that makes you want to like him, even though he is bad. This really plays out at the end.
Overall I would recommend this movie. It is very enjoyable, it is more then an action movie it is a really good story.

Red Sox-Mariners game 5/3

Well I went to the Red Sox game last night, was scheduled for a few weeks ago but was rained out. Got the tickets free through work, do have to say they were incredible seats, ticket said $100, cant believe people pay that for a regular season game. But who am I to say no to a free, I know work didn’t pay for them either, we get them from vendors. It was the first game I have seen in a couple of years, have to say it was a really good and fin game, the Red Sox won 7-5 with a 2 run home run by Many Ramirez in the bottom of the 8th. It was one hell of a blast, the wind was really blowing in and he had to really hit it to get it out of the park. The seats I got were about 25 feet from 1st base. So here are some random thoughts from the game
What the hell is up with the gates at Fenway, gate D you would think would be between C and E, but it was no were near it, actually never found gate D, is there some new way of doing the alphabet I was not aware of?

The Kenmore Square T stop seems like something from a bad B movie. Would think they would keep up a station that gets used so much, the station at the North Station is always pretty neat, why not Kenmore Square?

Speaking of the T, what is up with taking one of the Green line trains out of service in middle of the run right after a Red Sox game? Make everyone get off and wait for the next train.

Why do people work in Boston and live out of the city, would have to pay me a lot to sit through that traffic everyday

Usually sitting on the aisle seat is the best, not last night, the aisle had to be about a foot wide and kept getting my elbow hit.

Why cant people wait till between batters to get up? Very annoying when people keep getting up and down all inning.

$7 for a Beer? Are you kidding me?

Very happy to say that the bathrooms have really been improved since the last time I was at Fenway, was impressed by how clean they were.