Sunday, April 29, 2007

More random Q thoughts

It is way to early to be having presidential debates, so stop it!!!!

Hockey fans are the best in all sport

Thank god the snow is finally over, can get back to my routine of walks, man do I sound old

Speaking of, do love the Ipod, it is a great invention

The year I get into 24, it turns in the middle of the season and sucks, what the F?

Why aren’t you watching the NHL playoffs?

Speaking of playoff hockey, way to go Monarchs first time they made the 2nd round of the playoffs.

If I let you to traffic, you better wave. Should be a law if you don’t wave I should be able to follow you home and beat you

Do the Miami Dolphins have a clue on what they are doing?

Crotons rock

Has anyone seen my socks?

Alec Baldwin is a good actor, but a jerk, don’t think that was a secret before his phone call to his daughter

Why inst Cinco di Mayo as big as St. Patrick’s day

How come we don’t hear more about what is going on in Canada? I think they are up to something up there!!


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