Shut Up!!
First people that need to shut up are the Berkley (CA) City Council who voted 6-3 to tell the Marines that their recruiting office is not welcomed in there city ( The city sided, actually encouraged code pink, a anti war group, to protest the side. They gave code pink a free parking space and noise permit. What little respects the 6 members of the City Council showed towards the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect them day and night. There are thousands of recruiting stations around the country and they cause no harm. This is place for young men and women who want to serve with honor and protect us to get information and to do the ultimate duty that can be done. But these nut jobs in Code Pink are so opposed with their own little narrow view of how things are they do not see the stupity in there stance against the military. Do they understand if it was not for the military they would not have the right to protest. So to The Berkley City Council and Code Pink, shut up and get off your freaking high horse.
Next up is the town of ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Brattleboro Vermont. They are set to vote on weather they should indict President Bush and Vice President Cheney war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice( This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever hear, and I have heard many stupid things. Please Brattleboro get over yourself. You are a town in F'ing Vermont. What power do you thing you have? ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
As have mentioned before, Rush Limbaugh and all other radio talk show host such as Sean Hannity for their continues attacks on John McCain. I think everyone gets it you don't agree with the Senator on a lot of issues. But I think its time you realize that you are not as powerful as you once were, and you do not represent the majority of voters. The republican party has moved on and is a more open party then you want to believe. You represent the old party of the party and your voices have gotten smaller, but as we know not quieter. Of course I have not heard of any of these guys actually coming out and supporting someone else, what's the problem do scared to actually support someone? You know you might actually get some more respect if you had the balls to back someone instead of just coming out and spewing your hate towards McCain. Until you actually have something of use to say, please shut up.
Speaking of spewing nothing but hate we go the other end of the spectrum, Keith Olbermann. For the 3 people who actually watch MSNBC get to see this guy nightly speak his hatred towards anyone or anything that has to do with the republican party. This is a guy who will never admit he is wrong. During the whole CIA leak situation he would come on nightly and blast Karl Rove and others and say they did it. But has he come out and apologized when Richard Armatige was exposed to be the one? Of course not that would not fit into his agenda of hate. I still wonder how did this guy get this political show when he comes from ESPN, where he wasn't that good. The only thing he is good at is getting people all riled up but has nothing of use to add to a civilized conversation, he makes the problems worst then better. It is people like him who make us more divided then united. So please Keith stick to sports where you have a little clue, and shut up about everything else.
Mitt Romney for whining and crying about John McCain criticizing him and going on the attack on him. Please get over yourself. I remember a few short weeks ago when all I say on TV here in NH were your attacks ads on McCain and misrepresenting his views on things such as immigration. You and your hair need to get over yourself and stop acting like you are this big victim. You are coming of like a little baby, if you cant handle the big leagues maybe you should go back to buying companies when they are vulnerable and weak. Please Mitt, and who can trust a guy name Mitt?, please shut up and grow a pair.
No I did not vote for Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton, and no I am not racist or a sexist. So to those who say that if you don't vote for them you are a racist or sexist please shut up and get a clue. Not everyone who doesn't vote for them are voting against them because of their race or sex. I vote for McCain because of his views and record and not for Obama or Hillary because of their views and records. I take my vote seriously and don't vote for or against someone because of their race, sex or even religion. To the people who do vote for someone because of these reason they need to be slapped, you should vote for the person for who they are, not what they are. The same goes for people who wont vote for someone because of their race, sex or religion, don't vote for someone for who they are, not what they are.
To the bandwagon Patriot fans, shut up you are making the life long serious fans look bad. I know many life long fans who are great fans. They know anything can happen in a game and don't things for granted. But it's these bandwagon fans who do nothing but talk trash and think there is no way the Pats can lose, but these are the same fans who will cry and whine if 1 person comes out think the Giants can give them a game, or used the no one respects us in the past, well no you are the same as those people. So to the bandwagon fans shut up and stop making the real fans look bad.
To the people who wear shorts outside during winter in New England. Please you don't look cool you look like an idiot! I know you are trying to look tough, hey look at me I can a tough guy who doesn't get cold. Please you look like a jackass. I don't know anyone who is impressed with you, they actually laugh at you. Are you that desperate for attention? To the parents who let there kids do this; well you just need a slap aside the head. You and your kids need to shut and get over yourself, your not tough you a
Next up is the town of ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Brattleboro Vermont. They are set to vote on weather they should indict President Bush and Vice President Cheney war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice( This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever hear, and I have heard many stupid things. Please Brattleboro get over yourself. You are a town in F'ing Vermont. What power do you thing you have? ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
As have mentioned before, Rush Limbaugh and all other radio talk show host such as Sean Hannity for their continues attacks on John McCain. I think everyone gets it you don't agree with the Senator on a lot of issues. But I think its time you realize that you are not as powerful as you once were, and you do not represent the majority of voters. The republican party has moved on and is a more open party then you want to believe. You represent the old party of the party and your voices have gotten smaller, but as we know not quieter. Of course I have not heard of any of these guys actually coming out and supporting someone else, what's the problem do scared to actually support someone? You know you might actually get some more respect if you had the balls to back someone instead of just coming out and spewing your hate towards McCain. Until you actually have something of use to say, please shut up.
Speaking of spewing nothing but hate we go the other end of the spectrum, Keith Olbermann. For the 3 people who actually watch MSNBC get to see this guy nightly speak his hatred towards anyone or anything that has to do with the republican party. This is a guy who will never admit he is wrong. During the whole CIA leak situation he would come on nightly and blast Karl Rove and others and say they did it. But has he come out and apologized when Richard Armatige was exposed to be the one? Of course not that would not fit into his agenda of hate. I still wonder how did this guy get this political show when he comes from ESPN, where he wasn't that good. The only thing he is good at is getting people all riled up but has nothing of use to add to a civilized conversation, he makes the problems worst then better. It is people like him who make us more divided then united. So please Keith stick to sports where you have a little clue, and shut up about everything else.
Mitt Romney for whining and crying about John McCain criticizing him and going on the attack on him. Please get over yourself. I remember a few short weeks ago when all I say on TV here in NH were your attacks ads on McCain and misrepresenting his views on things such as immigration. You and your hair need to get over yourself and stop acting like you are this big victim. You are coming of like a little baby, if you cant handle the big leagues maybe you should go back to buying companies when they are vulnerable and weak. Please Mitt, and who can trust a guy name Mitt?, please shut up and grow a pair.
No I did not vote for Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton, and no I am not racist or a sexist. So to those who say that if you don't vote for them you are a racist or sexist please shut up and get a clue. Not everyone who doesn't vote for them are voting against them because of their race or sex. I vote for McCain because of his views and record and not for Obama or Hillary because of their views and records. I take my vote seriously and don't vote for or against someone because of their race, sex or even religion. To the people who do vote for someone because of these reason they need to be slapped, you should vote for the person for who they are, not what they are. The same goes for people who wont vote for someone because of their race, sex or religion, don't vote for someone for who they are, not what they are.
To the bandwagon Patriot fans, shut up you are making the life long serious fans look bad. I know many life long fans who are great fans. They know anything can happen in a game and don't things for granted. But it's these bandwagon fans who do nothing but talk trash and think there is no way the Pats can lose, but these are the same fans who will cry and whine if 1 person comes out think the Giants can give them a game, or used the no one respects us in the past, well no you are the same as those people. So to the bandwagon fans shut up and stop making the real fans look bad.
To the people who wear shorts outside during winter in New England. Please you don't look cool you look like an idiot! I know you are trying to look tough, hey look at me I can a tough guy who doesn't get cold. Please you look like a jackass. I don't know anyone who is impressed with you, they actually laugh at you. Are you that desperate for attention? To the parents who let there kids do this; well you just need a slap aside the head. You and your kids need to shut and get over yourself, your not tough you a
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