The Q's vote goes to...............
Well today is Dec 13th and the New Hampshire primary is and the New Hampshire primary that is only 26 days away. After over 7 months of hard and sometimes over the top campaigning from the all of the Presidential candidates, I have finally decided on who I am voting for in the primary. I have gone back and forth between many of the candidates this process started before most even put their hat in the ring. There were some candidates that did intrigued me going into the process, and later turned me off to them. On the Democrat side I looked at a couple of different options. One of them was Bill Richardson the Governor of New Mexico. I was interested in his experience as governor, Secretary of Energy and Ambassador to the UN. I did some paper in school about the lead up to the Iraq war and read many statements by Richardson from when he was at the UN criticizing Iraq and claims they had a WMD program. But now he has changed all that and tried to hard to get the left wing part of the party and calls for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, so he lost me there, Which is a shame he does have the credentials for hold the office. I still have a feeling he will be a strong contender for the VP slot on the Democratic side. I also took a look at John Edwards, the more and more I looked at him the more I was turned off to him, he comes off to me as what he is, a slimy lawyer. He is great at telling you what is wrong and who to blame, but I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him, and as I get older that isn’t to far. Like everyone else I looked at Barak Obama. I will be the first to admit he is very charismatic and does great on the stump. But to me he seems high on style and low on substance. He seems like the popular kid in school, everyone likes him and he great to talk to. But his he the one you want to do your homework or you can trust to get the job done, most of the time no. He might be a great candidate in a 4 or 8 years, but to me its not his time. He needs to get more substance to him.
On the republican side I went back and forth between many people. Would have to say none really grabbed my attention. Looked at Rudy Giuliani hard, I do agree with him on some issues and think he would be a tough man to beat, he did do a good job as NY mayor, but he didn’t sell me on himself. The same could be said of Mitt Romney, he has a good background, but there seems to be something missing there. Both Rudy and Mitt came off bad in a few debates to me, they came off as childish and not well behaved. I was also intrigued when Fred Thompson entered the race. But he has probably run the worst campaign ever. He came in with so much fanfare and potential but fell flat very quick. He seems like he thinks the job should just be given to him and he doesn’t have to go out and work for it. Well being a lifetime resident of New Hampshire and seeing many Presidential elections in my life, that does not fly here. Found it funny when I was talking to friend about the election and he said he was looking at Thompson but since he wasn’t running anymore he wasn’t sure who he was voting for, I had to tell him he was still running. That should say a lot right there.
So after about of year of going back and forth I have finally decided who gets the all important vote of the Q. That person will be John McCain. I will admit I was not a big fan of John McCain the last couple of years. To me he has seemed like a one trick pony since 2000 with campaign reform. To me that is not that high of an issue. But watching him over the last couple of months I have really turned on that. He seems to be a man of high principle. He has high values and sticks to them, but will also listen to others and will admit when he is wrong. He came off bad in May over the whole debate in congress over illegal immigration. His side came out on the negative side of the vote and public opinion. He has since came out and admitted he has listened to the people and will change his approach to the issue. He also stuck by his guns over Iraq, he was one of the first to call for the surge strategy while most criticized him over and said we should withdraw troops and not add more. Now McCain is being shown that he has the right idea along time ago, the surge is working. If President Bush would have listened to Senator McCain back then we would be further along in Iraq. For the last 17 years there has been a lot of partisan politics. When Bill Clinton was President the republicans were after him, and for the last 7 years the Democrats have been nothing but nasty towards President Bush. Some of the criticize on both Presidents was justified but a lot of it for both of them wasn’t, and was just petty stuff and just mean spirited by petty people. I believe John McCain has shown he can work in a bi-partisan way and would be the best agent to help bring most of the people together. Sure not everyone will agree with some of stance on stuff, I know I don’t agree 100% with him but there has never been a politician I agree 100% with. But I believe John McCain would demand the respect of the people who disagree with him, and will listen to him, and he will listen to them. Now is the perfect time for John McCain to be President. My heart is telling me to vote for McCain, Unfortunately my head is telling me the 08 election will be business as usual and he will not be given the nomination. The nomination will probably go who ever yells at the other side the loudest and is able to call the other side the most names. But I will vote with my heart and will cast my ballot on Jan 8th to John McCain, and hope that he can somehow get the nomination so I can continue my support for him. I would suggest that is anyone out there is sick of politics as usual and want a true decent man to be President take a look at John McCain, I don’t think you will be sorry you did.
On the republican side I went back and forth between many people. Would have to say none really grabbed my attention. Looked at Rudy Giuliani hard, I do agree with him on some issues and think he would be a tough man to beat, he did do a good job as NY mayor, but he didn’t sell me on himself. The same could be said of Mitt Romney, he has a good background, but there seems to be something missing there. Both Rudy and Mitt came off bad in a few debates to me, they came off as childish and not well behaved. I was also intrigued when Fred Thompson entered the race. But he has probably run the worst campaign ever. He came in with so much fanfare and potential but fell flat very quick. He seems like he thinks the job should just be given to him and he doesn’t have to go out and work for it. Well being a lifetime resident of New Hampshire and seeing many Presidential elections in my life, that does not fly here. Found it funny when I was talking to friend about the election and he said he was looking at Thompson but since he wasn’t running anymore he wasn’t sure who he was voting for, I had to tell him he was still running. That should say a lot right there.
So after about of year of going back and forth I have finally decided who gets the all important vote of the Q. That person will be John McCain. I will admit I was not a big fan of John McCain the last couple of years. To me he has seemed like a one trick pony since 2000 with campaign reform. To me that is not that high of an issue. But watching him over the last couple of months I have really turned on that. He seems to be a man of high principle. He has high values and sticks to them, but will also listen to others and will admit when he is wrong. He came off bad in May over the whole debate in congress over illegal immigration. His side came out on the negative side of the vote and public opinion. He has since came out and admitted he has listened to the people and will change his approach to the issue. He also stuck by his guns over Iraq, he was one of the first to call for the surge strategy while most criticized him over and said we should withdraw troops and not add more. Now McCain is being shown that he has the right idea along time ago, the surge is working. If President Bush would have listened to Senator McCain back then we would be further along in Iraq. For the last 17 years there has been a lot of partisan politics. When Bill Clinton was President the republicans were after him, and for the last 7 years the Democrats have been nothing but nasty towards President Bush. Some of the criticize on both Presidents was justified but a lot of it for both of them wasn’t, and was just petty stuff and just mean spirited by petty people. I believe John McCain has shown he can work in a bi-partisan way and would be the best agent to help bring most of the people together. Sure not everyone will agree with some of stance on stuff, I know I don’t agree 100% with him but there has never been a politician I agree 100% with. But I believe John McCain would demand the respect of the people who disagree with him, and will listen to him, and he will listen to them. Now is the perfect time for John McCain to be President. My heart is telling me to vote for McCain, Unfortunately my head is telling me the 08 election will be business as usual and he will not be given the nomination. The nomination will probably go who ever yells at the other side the loudest and is able to call the other side the most names. But I will vote with my heart and will cast my ballot on Jan 8th to John McCain, and hope that he can somehow get the nomination so I can continue my support for him. I would suggest that is anyone out there is sick of politics as usual and want a true decent man to be President take a look at John McCain, I don’t think you will be sorry you did.
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