Thursday, January 03, 2008

Tonight, Tonight!!

Well the best part of America starts in about an hour. That part being the open democratic process in which we decide on our next President. No matter what your part affiliation is, or if you even have one, we all get a say on who our next President will be. Many people like to criticize the process in which we elect a President, they say that is only open to a select few and those with the power all ready. But when you break it down my vote counts just as much as the person who spends millions to support a candidate. The process that will come to ahead in November starts in a cold state of Iowa. In a few short hours we will have a true front runner, we will not be looking at polls, but looking at actual votes. I for one find the entire process fascinating, ever since I was a little kid I have a great interest in the entire political process. The first election I remember watching was the election of 1980 with Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter and John Anderson, ever since then I have been hooked on the process. If anyone has read my blog they know I am supporting John McCain in the election. But the biggest winner is not the person who gets the most votes, it’s the American people who get to come together and have an equal say in who will be out next President. So I urge everyone to take a strong look at each candidates and make your own choice who you believe should be out next leader. So anyone in New Hampshire, take a look this weekend and get out and vote next Tuesday, make your voice heard. To me the next month will be a fascinating time in America.


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