Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Q’s Person of the Year

Well the calendar has turned to 2008, putting 2007 in the rearview mirror. So like most magazines do I thought I would name the first annual Q Person of the Year. Time Magazine is probably the most famous for this, and this year they named Russian President Vladimir Putin as their person of they year, I have to say that Time got this one wrong. Sure Putin has made changes in Russia, by using ruthless force in most cases. But he is not the person of the year. Their first runner up was Al Gore, once again, wrong on their part. For what putting together a failure of a concert that was suppose to, well still not sure of that one. Winning a Nobel Peace Prize, from the same organization that gave a Peace Prize to Yassar Arafat. Maybe he got the runner up for his open mind, no wait he doesn’t have one, well I am sure they have their good reasons for their decisions. After all this is a magazine that names “you” as their person of the year, so really how much weight should be put in to their decision.
But the Q Person of the year is a group effort, its is a group that is lead by General David Petraeus. It is the fighting men and women of the US military in Iraq. I wanted to give it to the General himself, but I know he would reflect all his success on the men and women he leads. General Petraeus came up with the surge strategy that was put into effect in 07 in Iraq. He recommended this strategy even though most of the Joint Chiefs disagreed with him, and mostly everyone else did to. He convinced President Bush into implementing this new strategy. He was unanimously approved by the Senate to become the new leader of the troops in Iraq. His new strategy has been so far successful, the troops are holding the territory they have gained and secular violence is down and so are the casualties. The people of Iraq are safer today and are standing up to the insurgence who have invaded their country. This has been the major first step that should have taken place a couple of years ago. Of course none of this has been easy, this new strategy has a great many naysayers, many of so-call leaders in congress were saying the surge was a failure, even before it has started. But the General and his troops stood their ground and have made great strides in a place were many said they could have no success. The General came back to Washington in September to give a progress report. Of course there were still many in congress who were not opened minded enough to listen to this brave man. They put their own political agenda ahead of what is in the best interest of the troops and to acknowledge the surge has been a positive thing. Some member questioned the Generals integrity and his honesty. To me this was a disguising act by people who claim to be leaders. He also faced an full page ad taken out by the coward at Moveon.Org, they showed what they are in that cowardly ad. But the good General took it in stride and continues to do what he believes is the best thing to in Iraq, no matter what people in the Washington and the Press have to say. Of course the men and women who serve under him share in this. They are the ones that do when 99% of others will not do, they put their lives on the line every day to give 25 million Iraqi people a little bit of the freedom we take for granted in this country. They do this with out asking for a thanks or any acknowledgment. They have also done things in 2007 that many people said they could not to, or wanted them to do. Here is hoping their success continues in 2008, even in the face of those who doubt and question them
These are just some of the reasons why General David Petraeus and the brave fighting men and women in Iraq are my Persons of the Year.


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