Monday, September 03, 2007

No excuses!

Well as I am sure most of you have heard Rodney Harrison of the Patriots has been suspended 4 games for using Human Growth Hormones. So the last couple of days I have been listening to the Boston talk radio shows. I have heard so many excuses for Harrison. Harrison came out said he only used it to get back from an injury quicker. So many people are letting him get away with this excuse. They are also praise him for being a “stand up guy” and “admitting” to it. If he was truly a stand up guy he would have come out and admitted to it with out being caught. The only reason he is saying all of this now is because the doctor who gave him these got busted and they found Harrison’s name. Harrison also wanted to make it clear he never used steroids, well technically he didn’t, but he used a drug that does the same thing, but he used one that was no detectable by the NFL drug testing, so to me that is worst. He know what he was doing the whole time and did what he had to get around the NFL drug program. Now everyone seems to be on Harrison’s side and buying all of his excuses. Most of these are the same people who criticize Barry Bonds and call him all sorts of names. To me Harrison and Bond are in the same category, I don’t care what uniform he is wearing, he is a cheater and a liar. There are no excuses that can make up for it, I don’t care how many other guys in the NFL are doing it and don’t get caught, that does not make it right. So to everyone who is making excuses for him, I say get a taste of reality and see a cheater for what he is!


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