Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Today we celebrate the birth of our country. During this time of bitter partisan politics with all side arguing on what is best for our country. It is important that it is our country, no matter what separates us there is one thing that unites us, it is that we are all citizens of the greatest country on earth. There has been many things since that glorious day in 1776 that has divided us, even a massive Civil War that took over 600,000 of fellow citizens. But in the end we have always come together as one. After the bitter battles of the Civil War the country came back together to move forward. After two heart breaking attacks on our homeland, Pear Harbor and 9/11, we came together as Americans to move forward. We have had major difference on the policy of our government, from Slavery, to the Vietnam War to the Iraq that is currently going on. We have gone through a Great Depression that took many lives and many more sprits. We have gone through decades of a Cold War that could have lead us to nuclear war. But through all of this we all have remained Americans and united in that fact. No matter what might pull us apart we have that one common thread that brings us back together. We all get to experience what millions around the world would die to experience, the “American Dream” Every day there are thousands of people who die just trying to reach our shores. We should never forget what we do have, and fight for what we don’t. America in not perfect, and never will be. But what makes America special is that we, the common citizen, can fight to make it more perfect. I witnessed something today that made me thing about all of this, I happened to be walking downtown and witnessed a citizenship ceremony were about a hundred people were sworn in as US citizens. You could see the pride on their faces and there pure love of this great country. This is something everyone takes advantage of, and it is so easy to on an everyday bases. But it is days like Independence Day that makes us ponder what we have, and to feel proud of being something those hundred people now are US citizens. I say welcome my fellow citizens!!


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